Thursday, October 14, 2004

*The person who first patented potpourri was a genius. Dried, perfume-sprayed forest debris...why on earth do I need this in my bathroom? Of course, my Mum's obsessed with the stuff.


*Daana's Cheer-The-Hell-Up Manouvre after a hard day: head straight for your room or any place you can be alone for a while with a radio/cd player, put on the skankiest, dibbiest clothes you own, and some sturdy heels (at least 3" high), blaze up some dancehall or rap (sorry, rock just won't cut it this time)and getteth thine eagle on!
10 more points if there's a mirror nearby. This can work if you're a guy too, but you may want to make extra sure that you're positively alone.


Recently I've been thinking...belly-button ring! A nice, sparkly, dangly one! I'll probably get over this notion soon, but geez, tha'd be a fun addition for me!
As common as tattoos and body-piercings are, I'm still absolutely facinated by them. I guess there's something to be admired in people who fight the natural instinct to avoid pain, all in the name of adornment.

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