Saturday, April 12, 2003

Went to the "international" Dancehall Queen competition last night! Unfortunately, I couldn't see much because there were, according to the chick standing next to me,
"so much raaaaashooooole people in hey, ya c*nt!"
Once in while I caught a glimpse of the stilleto-booted feet of the contestants trembling above the heads of the spectators.
I can only imagine what they were doin'!!! The Japanese contestant didn't do too bad, but she STILL can't wuk de waistline like de C'bbean gals!

A girl like "Bling Kitten" won! Bling Kitten, ya madman! The name still got me!

Friday, April 11, 2003

I just had my 2nd "Cute Fed-Ex Guy" sighting for the week. This time he was in my building, and he saw me from down the corridor and waved.
I, with my usual quick wit, asked him "What are you doin' in here?"
Yes, I knew it was a dumb-ass question before the words left my lips, but it was like I had no control.
Luckily, he didn't call me on it! Instead he replied "Man, I'm here waiting for somebody to buzz me into this office."
I then responded with "Well, happy waiting! See you!", and walked off in what I hoped was a saucy manner.

*sigh* I dunno wha's the matter with me.

Thursday, April 10, 2003

Why can't I just be attracted to the one who actually gives a damn about me? The one who actually CARES how my day went? Why can't I look at him and see the man of my dreams, instead of a clueless nuisance? How can I make myself feel something, when all I feel is absolutely nothing.
Why can't I stop being that tired cliche about the woman who never wants the one who'll treat her the best?
Dear God, the questions won't stop.

Dammit, you can't help who you fall for, and I think THAT is one of the saddest things I've ever learned.
Two more days to go, 'til I fyah de wuk for a week!
I'm still not sure what my vacaton activities will be yet.
I'm havin' second thoughts about campin' out on the beach, afterall I don't like tan-lines, and since my body is once again monchromatic (thanks to spending all day in a freezing office with flourescent lighting),
I'm not all that eager to stripe it up again!
An empty nudist beach would do me good, although I doubt I'd have the guts to actually strip down in public.

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

According to the clock on my computer, I only have 18 more minutes to make a blog for Wednesday 9th April. I dunno if I can stand the pressure.

Today has been such a non-day. Nothin' of interest to report. Wait, I lie...while I was waiting to be picked up by my ride this evening after work, that cute Fed-Ex guy drove by, slowed down, beeped AND waved at me! All with a big smile. Woo!

It's really silly, but just a little attention from the right guy will make my day.
So much for my "liberated, independent-woman" facade!

Tuesday, April 08, 2003

Quote of the Week:
"Daanz, you know any young girls lookin' for a sugar-daddy?"
- my Grand-dad

Spending time with my grandfather is changing me...despite my best efforts, I think I'm getting hooked on...Days of Our Lives! I found myself actually defending it to my brother the other day.
"Seriously Warren, if ya watch it, it gets interesting fa real!"


I haven't hugged anyone for at least 3 days. I can't believe I actually noticed that. I think I'm under-touched.
Human skin has millions of nerve endings and if they don't get enough stimulation, the individual , to whom the skin belongs, may suffer from serious "touch withdrawal".
Symptoms include:
Short attention span
Craving of salty snacks.
Frequent urges to take part in some form of physical activity

I need a neck massage.

Monday, April 07, 2003

Ahhhh yessss Pinky, only 5 more days until vacation, and then... we can take over the world!

All like I now I gotta plan what I'm doin' for my....vacation *cue choir of angels*
I know I gotta get my ass to the beach for sure...someone called me "red" the other day, and that just ain't wukkin' fa me!
I really gotta put some thought into this vacation (*cue choir of angels*) itinerary of mine. I am not, repeat NOT going to waste a minute of it. So far, according to the 1st draft of my plan, I should be spending every waking moment either a.) watching t.v., b.) on the computer, c.) at the beach or d.) partying.
I may need to make a few adjustments.

Sunday, April 06, 2003

I went to Calypso Spektakula 2003 last night. It was.....okay.
Just okay because a.) I didn't spin as much pooch as I would liked, and b.) the fights, good lord, the fights. Denise Belfon (that's Ms. Wow to you!) was a highlight as usual and I STILL think More Gal by Wanski is de best song from T'n'T carnival this year!! So there.

I'm thinking about establishing an International Friends Day (if there isn't one already, that is! Dey got so many official "Days" now...I hear April 17th is International Pantyhose Day! That sounds like an invitation for all potential bank-robbers to do their thing!)

I don't think I show enough appreciation for my friends...
I need to thank God that I have people that I can be totally wierd and silly around, and they'll only look at me funny for a couple minutes.
*sigh* That's a real friend!