Thursday, July 31, 2003

I have to work tomorrow....
tomorrow which is Emancipation Day...for which the whole concept is to NOT WORK!!
They wanted me to work on August 4th too, but my brays of raucous laughter drowned out any attempt to pursue that issue. At least I get to be comfortable....Daanz sings "In Those Jeans".

I figured out a way to satisfy my cookie urgies and avoid feeling guilty. See, what I do, is get the cookies andshare them with whoever is in my vicinity! That way, I spread around the calories! Ingenious, huh?

The coolest guy I've ever known has left me and gone back overseas. :(
I told him I'd miss him...that's the first time I've ever told anyone of the opposite sex that and meant it so thoroughly.
That's gotta count for SOMEthing.

Monday, July 28, 2003

Yet another hype weekend!
Bus tour all Saturday and BoatYard all Saturnight (Thanx 2 Lani for this rather appropriate word).
Man, I wukked up like I've never wukked up before...I have a bruise on my knee to show for it too, yuh. Can you say "battle scar"? I've officially been named a Pooch Back Girl by the authorities on the subject! Whoah yeah.

As with everything, this bashment weekend had it's downside too, and with that I bring to you:

Things That Annoy Me Crop Over 2003 Edition:

1.) That people feel the need to ask "Wait, you ain' bade??" if they catch you with your wrist band from a fete the night before (or even the week before). They're plastic now people! You can bathe with them on!

2.) Those neanderthals who pelt garbage from their cars into the beautiful St. Joseph countryside. And then, if you point out the error of their ways, they cuss you! Animals! Tha's how people get lock up, cuz I would have happily shot each of them in face.

3.) Men who can't seem bend their minds around the fact that I do not want to dance with them!

4.) People who reason that I'm in their way when all I'm doin' is sittin' on de hill like everybody else!

5.) When de fella I got designs on gets drunk. Of what use is a drunk man to me? No hip coordination...not able to recognise that I'm flirting with him...not able to recognise me, period, come to think of it!
