Friday, December 05, 2003

All day long I was looking forward to chillin' wid him tonight, but I guess I didn't realise how much.

I skipped for 2 extra minutes this afternoon, my energy seemingly boosted by the prospect of an actual date after so long.

I washed and conditioned my hair,then I lathered up with Herbal Essence Body Wash, so ya KNOW I was smellin' good.

I dressed, fixed up my hair and glossed up my lips.

My whole frikkin' aura was in "date mode"....then he called to say he was tired and he was just gonna crash tonight.

Well, I felt like crying. I hate being this disappointed!
Here I sit, at home, alone on a Friday night, looking all cute, and smelling absolutely delicious.
What a waste.

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Why people’s gotta be so friggin’ hard-ears? It only seems like common sense to me that if you owe somebody money, you bloody-well PAY them! Ya don’t hem and haw and stall and all manner of foolishness!
Rule No. 1: You don’t fuck around with other people’s money! You just DON’T!

That uppity bitch now got me offset and I can’t even concentrate on workin’.
Aaaaargh! I need me one-a them punching bag things.

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

It always surprises me how much some guys are into women's feet.

I mean, yeah, pretty feet are all well and good, y'know, part of the whole package and all that, but for some fellas, The Feet is where it ALL starts!

Realization That Most Surprised Me About Myself:
Turns out I may not be entirely opposed to having my toes sucked.

Yee-ha! Down girl!

Monday, December 01, 2003

Another Independence Day has come and gone.
I thought the radio stations woulda made a bigger deal of it and play some frikkin' BAJAN music for a change. My bad, guess tha's just not the point of our Independence Day.

Went to Coney Island on Friday, and rode all de baddest rides! Yup, I was a real soldier, and yet I felt like a little girl again! I guess I still am a little girl in the grand scheme of things.

Aw man...I want to blog some more, but I'm just too sleepy....
Y'know, it's a case of the mind is willing but the body ain' able.
I think I'll take the liberty of typing utter rubbish now and blame it on my poor sleep-deprived self.

I kinda want a puppy....but I dunno if I could take care of it...I mean, I've had dogs before, but it's been so long...what am I sayin', of course I could take care of it...I'm a competent young woman...maybe I should get a hamster...I always thought they were pretty cute...I wonder if they bite.....maybe I should get fish instead....they won't bite...wait, tha's not bite me all the time...Note to fish...

Okay, time to haul ass to bed now. G'night.