Saturday, December 27, 2003

Right now, I'm a little overwhelmed at the number of sexy men within my reach. More in a minute.

There should be a lime at Vaucluse every weekend! The vibe was warm and "Woodstocky" as usual! We drank, we laughed, we drank some more, we danced, I challenged some upstart to a wukkin' up competion (we BOTH won, heheh). My butt is sore from wukkin' up on the roof of Lani's mum's jeep. It was a good time, and I wished I could live in that moment forever.
However, I was dragged away to Club Xtreme, which was okay, I guess. The vibe wasn't as warm and free, and I WAS a little tired at this point, but things perked up when I saw the boys.

Boy Number 1: This's the same beautiful guy that I can't help but stare at, whenever he's in my vicinity. The same one whom I can never seem to work up the nerve to approach. I made a little progress last night though: we passed each other in the doorway and shared what I thought was a smoldering gaze. I'll admit, I like the mystery.

Boy Number 2: I dunno why I'm dedicating blog space to this guy, but whenever I see a fella that I'm struck with an instant attraction for, I like to run with that feeling. He had spiky hair, a strong torso and a rugged adorableness to him. Enough with the sentences, let's do this in point form.

* I asked him to dance (props to me!)
*Turns out he can't dance if you paid him.
*He's from Canada which may explain the dancing.
*I didn't mind teaching him.
*He came back for more.
*His name's Mitch
*I'll dream about him for a couple nights to come.

Friday, December 26, 2003

Joy To The World, I say!

Merry Christmas to all the peops out there in Bloggerland. I had a good day, even though I didn't make it to church. I was wiped out! I hope God understands.

Here were my Xmas activities:

1.)Went by somebody for a Garlic Pork breakfast
2.)Came home & chilled for a bit
3.)Went by a next body for lunch
4.)See number 2.
5.)Went to Sunbury Plantation and BASHED THE F*** OUT!

That was exACTLY what I needed! I socialized, I danced, I got nuff Xmas hugs and was fabulous! Oh, and warm Hypnotique isn't as bad as it sounds.
I wanna give a shout out to all my BloggerChicks that came out spread the Xmas cheer! You all know who you are!

Yay! And MORE bashin' this afternoon!

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

It's Christmas Eve (duh) and I'm feeling down. I'm here with my family, as I should be and yet...I dunno...I still feel kinda empty.
Maybe it's because we still have no tree up. Maybe it's because we've all been working so hard in the family business, that now we're all too exhausted to enjoy
the warm, fuzzy Yuletide spirit.

Maybe it's because I got reported today for waiting in a "No Parking" zone and because the credit union ATM rejected my card.

Maybe it's because I feel like I'm becoming a recluse.
I don't ever seem to have the time nor the inclination to go spend time with friends anymore. And the less time I spend with my peers, the less I seem to have in common with them.

I'll probably snap outa this semi-funk I'm in fairly soon.

Nothing that a tequila shot and some butter cookies can't fix. Bring on the Sauza.

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

I'm absolutely beside myself! The boy next door has a crush on me, and he's absolutely gorgeous! Slight problem, he's only 7 years old.
His parents already have us engaged. I'm under strict instructions to wait another 10 years or so 'til he's ready for me.
I'm 23...what's another 10?

Monday, December 22, 2003

Only 3 more days before Christmas, and we STILL haven’t erected (heheh, I said “erected�, heheh.) our tree! I know we’re usually late with this thing, but this time we REALLY cuttin’ it close!

Daana’s Top Ten Christmas Songs:
10.) All I want for Christmas Is You - Mariah Carey.
9.) Any Christmas parang (so lively and festive!)
8.) Japanese Transistor Radio (dunno who sings this one but it cracks me up every time!)
7.)Is that You Santa Claus?- Louis Armstrong
6.)Santa Baby – Eartha Kitt (the Madonna version is too…juvenile )
5.)The Grinch- Busta Rhymz and Jim Carey
4.)Come All Ye Faithful (Had to put a traditional hymn in there)
3.)Jingle Bells- Barbara Streisand (Yknow…the one where she starts singin’ SO fast that ya can’t keep up with ‘er?)
2.) Sleigh Ride – I Dunno Who
1.) That parody of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller�, performed by Madd. The one where they sing about your hungry friends that only come around on Xmas day to eat out all de ham and jug.