Friday, February 11, 2005

Today's Earth Lover Tip:

Take your own bags to the supermarket. You can re-use your plastic bags from the last time, or make use of that big green bag/sack that your Aunt gave you for Xmas, that you probably weren't gonna use for anything else.
Think of all the plastic you'll be conserving!

What happened to us? We used to be fairly cool together, and now I'm getting the feeling he's trying to phase me out of his life completely! I didn't do anything to justify his coldness so how can I help feeling as though I'm being betrayed in some way??
Shit, I didn't even know he was taking salsa classes, and he KNOWS I'd be interested in doing that! It's almost as if he was doin' it behind my back! He's not bound to me in any way, and I'm not trying to cling to him, that's for damn sure, but I thought we could at least have mutual respect, and open communication. Looks like that's too much to ask. That punk.
He won't even do me the courtesy of calling me to let me know when we have a meeting.
I'm tired of confronting him about his attitude.
Even if he doesn't leave, it still looks like goodbye.
I hate that it's like this. This sucks.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

How do the powers that be, expect people to do the right thing, and try to maintain a healthy lifestyle when even at the lowest level, everything seems against you?? For example, a golden delicious apple costs $1.20 and a 16 pc. sandwich cookie package costs $0.79.
This is absurd.


Today, being Ash Wednesday and all, marks the start of the Lenten season. Shame on me, I had no idea. A kindly old lady, in search of Easter cards, had to point this out to me.
I'd like to give up something...I really would, but I can't make up my mind on exactly what.

Sugar's a good choice, but I dunno if I can manage that, since I've discovered Lillifield Mudslides. Oh man, this drink makes me wanna talk dirty.
So...salad dressing it is.

I've noticed that Buckleys gives me a slight buzz. I'm feelin' quite groovy right about now.

Monday, February 07, 2005

For some reason, which I can't seem to put my finger on right now. I'm getting the feeling that Mr. Trini Shaky-Hands from the beginners class could quite possibly be homosexual. Of course I could be way off too.

I'll be looking into the matter.


Today's Earth Lover Tip:
Now this one takes balls/ovaries: quit wasting so much water by running the shower 'til it gets warm: Just take that cold water like a thug! Helpful hint: I find that if you do an all-over body jiggle/shimmy while entering the cold water quickly, you don't feel it as much. Cussing loudly may help too.