Saturday, July 10, 2004

Last night I went to my first calypso tent: Virgin Atlantic Headliners!

It was bare kix,and hilarious as whoah, especially the M.C. for the night.
I think I'm in love with Andrew Pilgrim.
At some point during the show, before I knew what I was doin', I yelled out "Andrew, we love you!" Of course, the people who I was with, kinda shrunk back in their seats when he shaded his eyes, looked out into the audience asked "Wait, who's dat dat love me boh?" and I raised my hand.
Hee hee. Such a rush.

THEN I went to the Baje band fete which was groovy. And I ran into that beautiful guy again.
Oh, why must he puzzle me so? This time he talked to me willingly enough. Sorta. I notice that his lips seem looser after he's had a couple drinkies. Not very reassuring.
Again...I remind myself that I'm not chasing after him, cuz he's too unreadable...but at the same time, I can't help but be intrigued this odd behaviour.


Thursday, July 08, 2004

Opinions, Observations and Assumptions

*I know quite a few big-headed people (I mean people who actually have big heads, not people who think too much of themselves).

*The "Cancel" button on the office printer is completely useless. No matter when, nor how many times, nor hor hard I press it, the wretched printer goes right ahead and prints anyway.

*One sounds like a rednecked, country-bumpkin when one calls the country Eye-raq, instead of Ee-raq.

*Pearls are "old lady" jewelery.

Right this minute, I believe my thighs are suffering the worst case of muscle-boundedness they have ever suffered.
Why, I can barely walk...I have to kind of shuffle. Even driving hurts.
And, I'll confess, I'm not takin' it like a soldier either. I'm groaning and wincing and complaining bitterly with every step. And I'm loving every minute of it!

Sunday, July 04, 2004

It's Sunday night, after b'room practice. I don't feel like goin' out, yet I don't feel much like sleeping either.

I feel like blogging. I'm in a weird kind of mood right now where I feel like opening my soul right here in my little web-nook, and I have to try very hard to restrain myself, and remind myself that other people read this. Maybe I"ll let myself ramble...

My dance partner's ex-partner is back in BIM on holiday, and she came to class today so I had to share him. I'll admit, once and for all: I do feel threatened by her. Geez, I hate sayinging that, but I also realise that there're benefits to facing your own human weaknesses.

It's not only that she's such a good dancer that bugs me, it's that she is so obviously an outsider and yet she makes no effort to adapt to our customs in class. This is a quality which I both admire and dislike.
She'll go right ahead doin' full-body warm-up stretches in tight short skirts...she'll go right ahead walking past everyone without speaking, heading straight for the furthest corner in the room,... and she'll go right ahead dancing even the crummiest line dance routines as if she's in a Broadway musical.

Maybe one day I'll be that uninhibited.

I'm tryin' my damndest to keep from developing a crush on Mr. Push-up King. That'd do me no good whatsoever.

For just a fleeting moment, I was thinking about listening to my mischievous Part B who has recently been whispering things like
"If ya can't get your own man, get somebody else's!"
I think I've snapped out of it...for the most part.