Saturday, November 08, 2003

It's Day 6.
It's unbelievable how the minute you can't have something, it becomes your heart's desire.
Last night I dreamt I ate some pancakes, and I woke up in a semi-panic cuz I thought I cheated! My dad said that people on diets become obsessed with food.
I can see his point.

Weekends will be a real challenge for me, since I'll be spending more time inside my house which is also the home of:

1. A shitload of fattening foods and,
2. My father (who thinks fat women should be assassinated) and my brother (who inherited my father's "skinny" genes).

As you can imagine, those components are about as helpful to me as a brick to the head.

I'm not happy with the song my partner and I decided on, but I had to give in since none of the songs I picked were the right tempo.
Oh well, this'll give me a chance to hone my skills as an actress....y'know, see if I can bring suh'in special to the song.

Friday, November 07, 2003

I feel like huggin' somebody!

Okay, I've emerged from that cocoon of misery in which I was enveloped yesterday.
Ahhh, feels good to sing again!

I've made peace with the fact that I've only lost 2 lbs, I've accepted that my father is a jerk sometimes, and I've even convinced myself not to take THAT guy seriously, since he doesn't know what the hell he's talkin' about 75% of the time.

Plus, it’s FRIDAY! Hell yeah! My partner and I should be rendezvous-ing tonight, to try to pick out a suitable song to perform our rumba to, for an upcoming ball. That should be fun.

It’s Day 5 of this diet, and I’m still riding high. Haven’t cheated at all, and tha’s an achievement in itself, lemmuh teyya! Today’s Beef /Chicken/Fish with Tomatoes Day.

Thursday, November 06, 2003

I’m on to Day 4 of this diet. By now, I shoulda lost 5-7 lb according to the instructions. I have lost 2 lbs.
My soup supply is dwindling so I need to buy more cabbage and tomatoes.
I’m feeling discouraged and downtrodden.

He did it again. He ALWAYS says the wrong thing to me. Can’t he tell when he’s about to say suh’in stupid or insulting, and just shut the fuck up instead?

There’s no pleasing people. If you’re a bitch, they complain. If you express joy, or maybe just like to have a pleasant expression on your face, they call you an airhead. Well, if I’m happy, I’m gonna fuckin’ show it. “They” can suck out.

Last night we performed at the NIFCA Finals. I think we did good too. There’s a chance we’ll make it to the Gala. Yay.

Do I need my father’s approval for my actions? No. But it would it be nice for him to give me a compliment for once or be proud of something in which I was participating.

Monday, November 03, 2003

Y'know...maybe there IS suh'in to be said for foreign men.

Saturday night I got to hang out with 6 foine young men from Trinidad, Colombia, de U.S. , and Jamaica, and I dunno if it was just because they were from somewhere else or what, but I've become quite enthralled with these guys!
I never thought it was possible to develop a crush on a group instead of an individual!

One has exTREMEly kissable lips,
one has sexy teeth (you'd have to see 'em!) and locks,
another has a cool, charismatic personality, and can dance
Another seems admirably dedicated to his passion (football),
the next has the whole Asian thing goin' for 'im (I'm very interested in learning more about Asian men *grin*)
and de last one is just an all-round attractive guy, with deep dark eyes.

And of course, all had such different accents. It was a nice change of scene.

Thank you Lani, for my night out with the men!

Today is Day 1 of this Fat-Burning 7-Day diet I’m on. My sustenance for the next 7 days will mostly be from this cabbage and tomato soup I made this morning.
I had it for breakfast and it wasn’t so bad, but I just finished a thermos full of the stuff for lunch and I dunno how I’m gonna make it through the week.
*Sigh* Right now I’m feeling so very, very, low.