Wednesday, January 14, 2004

I went to the doctor this morning. It’s so intimidating. Every time I go, a nurse hands me a little cup with my name on it and says “Go fill this up in the bathroom.” At least I hope she’s a nurse.
I realized that nobody ever tells me what to DO with it after I “fill it up”. I always just put it on the little table tha’s right outside the washrooms. I guess whoever picks it up knows what to do with it.
And then there’s the near-endless waiting. Seems like you spend an eternity there, listening for when they call your name on the intercom. Usually I’d read a magazine to help me pass the time, but this time the magazines looked a litte lame. Instead, I let my thoughts wander….and I checked out the mother & aughter duo sitting across from me. I could tell from their accents that they were C’bbean but I couldn’t pinpoint their exact origin.
After a while, for no reason whatsoever, I started to find them rather irksome. It’s not like they were bein’ loud or annoying in any way, not even that they smelled bad (they weren’t close enough for me to tell), but somehow, I just found myself wishing they’d get up and leave!
How odd.

Monday, January 12, 2004

Why do people find it so appealing to knock back de booze until they lose all social functioning?
I mean, it’s awright to have a few drinks with your friends and get a buzz and all that, but to guzzle ‘til you behave like a mental patient, throw up, and then finally pass out??? Not only is it unhealthy, but it’s so unattractive (Heheh, do I have my priorities straight, or what?)!

I would never want people to have that image of me stuck in their heads: a blurry-eyed, staggering idiot, without the sense to know when to hold it down wid de liquor.
I can’t count the people I know who start many a conversation with “You! A night I duh SO r**hole drunk dat….” And they’re actually boasting!

Do these people realize how they’re looked upon by their peers when they’re lying outside a club next to a pool of their own vomit? With a mixture of disgust and mild amusement. How could anyone be comfortable with that?


I can’t believe I felt animosity towards this girl. How could I have been so cruel and insensitive?
I have completely changed my mind; my heart goes out to Her now. She’s “alone”, far away from Her home for the first time in Her life, and She has to watch the man She cares about in the arms of another woman. I’ve been there and it stings like a bitch. He really messed up this time. Now I REALLY feel like takin’ Her out for lunch or somethin’.