Friday, October 03, 2003

Recently I’ve been struck by all the instances I see of gold-digging women around the place. I mean. I see absolutely gorgeous women hanging around with um, less-than-attractive-lookin’ fellas, and I’m told time and time again “Money, Daana, money.”

Awright, hold up! Am I the shallow one here?? Don’t looks count for ANYTHING anymore?
With women I mean, cuz with men it seems like looks are at the very top of their “Required qualities” list.
I just couldn't bring myself to be with someone who looked like say...Old Dirty Bastard from the Wu-Tang Clan, no matter WHAT the average balance on his bank account is! Please!

According to the typical BET music video, any uncouth, no-class, face-looks-like-a-horse-pooch-dat-been-shot-wid-platinum-bullets idiot out there can have his freakin’ PICK of long-legged, scantily-clad women, as long as he’s “ballin’”! Makes me sick. Then again, that IS how hookers operate. (And to think, this is the general image bein’ shown on the ONLY tv network that supposedly represents Black people. But that’s another blog.)

I myself have been accused of only goin’ for fellas that’re good-lookin’, and yeah, I’ll admit, if a guy looks hot he gets my attention initially, but by Tyson Beckford, if he doesn’t have the brains and good-nature (very important) to back it up, then he ain’t my type!

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

I finally got to see 28 Days Later last night with a couple friends. And yes, it was worth the wait.

I think this movie has had a profound affect on me. I was paranoid on the whole drive back home. Check me lookin' around nervously, half-expecting a mob of red-eyed madmen to jump out in front my car.
I can still feel the bitter taste of adrenaline in my mouth. It was THAT frikkin' scary!

And the main character, Jim (Mr. "Hello?", himself) cleans up REAL good.
That's right, I've developed a crush on him too. I gotta stop with these movie-star crushes of mine. It's a sickness, but it feels so good.
me/ refrains from squealing "Omigosh! He is SO cute!"

I need to see this man, uh movie, again.

Happy October everybody!

Tuesday, September 30, 2003

I hereby solemly swear that, if I am so lucky as to celebrate my 50th birthday, I will do everything in my power to refrain from

1.)Becoming a miserable old coot, too set in her ways to try anything new
2.) Boring everyone in my immediate vicinity with the same old tired stories
3.) Bothering about every little insignificant piece of crap that should present itself
4.)Immediately dismissing the reasoning of my younger (and more savvy) relatives.

Old people can be so vexing.


If I could have 4 wishes right now (the standard 3, then 1 extra), and the genie granting them insisted that they could only be selfish, frivolous wishes), I know one of 'em would be to have a voice like Aretha Franklyn, Joan Armatrading and Carla Thomas.
A rich, powerful, soulful voice.
Yup, I'd be a blues/jazz singer on the weekends!

Monday, September 29, 2003

I need meat.
Aw man. I'm sitting here..absolutely starving. Yes yes, I DID have lunch, but good grief, there were no spare ribs!

My body is absolutely craving spare ribs. I think I may be deficient in Vitamin BBQ sauce, but I can't be sure about that. I'll get a second opinion from my doctor.
I need to haul my a$$ to TnT or suhin' before I collapse.


What the hell is up with me? I gotta be allergic to SUH'IN around here, cuz recently I've just been erupting into these alarming fits of sneezing in the middle of the night, in the middle of the day, while driving, etc.
I took drastic measures yesterday and de-dusted my room as much as humanly possible, but it didn't work! I'm STILL sneezing like a friggin'....uh...thing that sneezes a lot.
Maybe I'll cave and get some allergy medicine to accompany my spare ribs.