Thursday, March 11, 2004

Last night I had a rather frustrating practice session...y'know, the kind where you and your partner don't feel like having anything to do with each other?

Well, I needed a break so I headed outside to cool off and clear my head. One of the newer guys followed me out, sat next to me and asked
"So, how's it going"

"Frustratingly slowly" I replied tensely.
"I can see that" he said, "That's why I came to talk to you."

And then we chatted. He gave me a pep talk, and it really cheered me up.
His openness caught me off-guard since, as I mentioned before, he's one of the NEWER members and, we haven't established anything more than a "general small-talk" type of relationship. Not that pep-talks are common among the more familiar members either! It was just so unexpected, and I was very touched by his gesture.
People don't realise it, but the little things one does, can leave a big impression on others.
He seems so much older than he is.

Little does he know, but he's got a friend in me. Hope I'll have the opportunity to repay his kindness.

Monday, March 08, 2004

I give my weekend a nice even 8 out of a possible 10.

Yup, it wasn't bad at all. Spent all Saturday morning doin' laundry and scrubbing the shower. I tellya, that there burns some serious calories, but no matter how hard I scrub, I can never seem to get it as clean as Mum can!
I feel de woman does sneak a professional in to do it, while everybody watchin' t.v.

Anyhow, that wasn't what earned the high Weekend Rating.

It was the night out wid de girls. We ate, we laughed and we "lick we mouts" (not me though...I rarely have anything to contribute in de way of juicy news cuz nobody friggin' tells me anything).

I vote for karaoke and pizza next time! And strippers.


Last night I took in the Olympus double feature: Gothika/ House of The Dead.
Gothika was ok, but H.O.T.D. was high grade crap. A downright abomination. Do not watch this.

On the plus side, I was accompanied by a handsome young man who introduced me to the wonderful world of Cheesy Popcorn!

Cheesy Popcorn? Sounds Great! How do I get it?

1.) Go to cinema
2.) Buy box of popcorn
3.) Buy $1 cup of melted cheese
4.) Dump cheese on popcorn
5.) Dig in

Adds a delightfully gooey element to your movie-watching experience.