Friday, May 19, 2006

I have reached a new level of independence: I cut my hair all by myself!!

All the hair professionals and beauty books warn against cutting one's own hair, but I threw caution to the wind, took the bull by the horns and bit the bullet (which, when done all at once, is quite a cardiovascular workout)!

I took off about an inch and a half all over and I didn't just chop it off in one swell foop either... that's right, I used a method. A section at a time and 15 minutes later I was done! And it's even too!

Funny how my hair seems so much shorter after losing only 1 1/2".

I believe "invigorated" is the word to describe how I feel.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Well, I'm officially 26 years old as of May 14th. That's right, Mother's Day. I don't resent honouring my Mum on Mother's Day (or ANY day for that matter), but it sure is a bummer when it coincides with my birthday (Guess it's your turn next Lani). I hope this doesn't earn me a nomination for Horrible Person of The Month.

Twenty-six...that just feels so foreign in my mouth, as if it couldn't possibly be used to describe me. I've already started checking for wrinkles around my eyes. I'm gonna be workin' the sunscreen like nobody's business from now on, watching what I eat, and doin' plenty of toning excercises. I wanna be one-a those fabulous older ladies who have all de young boys checkin' them out.

I want to get myself a birthday gift, but I'm horrible at treating myself: I always think "Oh, that's not actually necessary, groceries would be of far more use to you!"
But I've GOT to stop thinking like that. I AM worth the occasional splurge!

Ok, so I'm gonna treat myself to one of the following:
a.) A new phone
b.) Red streaks in my hair
c.) A new outfit

Haven't decided yet. This could take some time.