Friday, June 27, 2003

What the hell?
Y'mean I can't miss a day of blogging without the Blogger Authorities changin' the whole setup? Dammit, it's all blue and wierd now. How's a gal s'pposed to get the writing juices flowing?

Awright...I am NOT gonna make one of those generalised, unfair statements about men...but cheezonbread, it'll be hard.

Why is it that a fella will act like he's into you, and then as soon as he's got your attention, and you've discovered your attraction for him, he does a complete 180?!?!
Here you are, silly naive girl, thinkin' everything's goin' fabulously, and then "he" pulls that whole "distant", "one-word-answer", "not-even-trying-to-carry-on-a-conversation" crap! All in an effort to indirectly tell you he's no longer interested, and drive you away.

Why, dear Lord, why? Do they know that this confuses and hurts? I mean, they MUST know, they're human too and we all hurt the same, right? I wonder sometimes.

But y'know what? I'm not gonna let this upset me!
I'll move on, no fuss, no muss.
I'm on the road to becoming an Ice-Queen.

Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Okay, I've decided that catchin' a van home isn't that bad afterall.

The Pros:
1.) I have more control over what time I get home, as opposed to when I have to wait for a ride.
2.) I'm doing my part to reduce carbon monoxide fumes produced on a daily basis.
3.) My mum will spend less on gas since she won't have to battle rush-hour Bridgetown traffic.
4.) I feel somewhat closer to my fellow Bajans (except that guy who was pickin' his nose yesterday).
and most important:
5.) I do some of my best thinking while riding in a van! I had forgotten all about that!
See, I'm usually the last person to get off and I tellya, if I'm in a window's like I relinquish all control and just let myself be driven...
The feel of the wind against my face and the drone of the engine seems to put me into this zen-like state of deep mind wanders...and I feel like I'm on the verge finding out the meaning of life itself...
Even the potholes and the lack of shocks don't disturb my serenity of mind, body and spirit.

Eventually, I'm disrupted by someone barking " Ey yow brownin'! Part you gettin' off? Listen, wake she dey fa muh!"

Monday, June 23, 2003

I seemed to have snapped out've my least temporarily.
I was actually singing and dancing as usual around the office. Yee-ha!

Y'know, I've discovered at least ONE positive thing about our short Venezuelan supervisor's presence in this office:
my sense of hearing has become sharper since she's come here!

I’ve trained myself to listen very carefully for the muffled “flip-flop” of her mules against the linoleum as she approaches from behind (wonder if I can be considered "X-men" material now...).
This is necessary to avoid gettin' caught while doin' something I'm not s'posed to be doin' blogging for example.
Oh, but how I love doing things that get on her nerves! I know it's wrong, but I can't help it! My Part B is showing!

Does it make me a bad person if I think The Greatest Love Of All by Whitney Houston is a corny song?

Sunday, June 22, 2003

Right now I'm feelin' kinda sorry for myself.

This sucks because I KNOW damn well that this is a useless emotion, and yet, I can't snap out of it.
Rix can never be mine, and I just have to live with that.
Man, I hate life. In fact, I hate everything. I'm miserable and I think I'll go to bed early. The least I can do is get a good night's sleep.
