Thursday, March 18, 2004

Letter to An Ex-Flam

Dear Vern,

It's been quite a while, and most of the time I can say I'm over you, but I realise that only seems to be true when I manage to forget that you even exist.
The fact that you're so over me that you can tell your friends it's ok to pursue me.....bothers me more than I thought it would!
YOU ditched ME....YOU'RE the one who's s'posed to be alone and miserable, filled with regret and lamenting over what an idiot you are. It would definately make me feel better if you were. But of course, you don't even care. I want so badly to hate you, but I can't even manage that because you're so fucking nice.


Well! I cannot beLIEVE this boy!
What am I gonna do with my partner? Tell me, WHAT??
Now he doesn't want to do the competition at all? What the fuck is THAT all about? After I've had to put up with his sucky attitude for the past few months, he now wants to pull this crap???
I think he's tryin' to get rid of me! I mean, he MUST be! You'd think that after I had a little chat with him about his attitude, and he seemed to get my drift, that he'd cheer the hell up??? Noooo, apparently that seems to be too much for him to handle!
Well, y'know what? I refuse to let him steal my energy! I'm goin' thru with this thing in spite of his sour face. If he wants to bail out, he's gonna have to come right out and say so!

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

I flexed to the cinema the other night to check out Havana Nights: Dirty Dancing 2 and my God, it has inspired me in a whole new way!
Yes, my new goal in life is to hunt down Diego Luna and force him to be my love-slave.

Oh but seriously, I dunno if it was the Cuban accents, or the HOTT nightclub scenes, but I was lovin' it. Makes ya wanna grind on somebody (hee hee).
I still Like Dirty Dancing 1 better, but this one ranks up there too.
Whoah yeah, tha's my kinda movie; can't go wrong with a little dancin' & romancin'!

*Sigh* I hate it when I get so wrapped up in a movie, that after it ends I feel hollow, like a chunk of my soul got ripped out.
I need to see this movie again, like I need my next rack of barbequed spare ribs.


Turns out that Mr. Pep Talk from the other night, is also Mr. Push-up King! My boy was down on de ground last night doin' all kinda pushups : "knuckle-jumps", "one-handed", and "buxom-dance-partner-sitting-on-your-back" !
Damn! I was impressed!
I guess that explains his broad, muscular upper body which he can't seem to hide, even under those oversize t-shirts...

Breathe Daana,... breathe.