Monday, October 20, 2003

Most Interesting Thing So Far For The Week (And It's Only Monday)

Ya never know what other people think of ya, hear? This is a MSN conversation I had today, with a male aquaintance of mine. I'm NIFCA-ist, by the way.
(Names have been changed to protect the identities of the inexcusably stupid.)

The Guy says:this might sound like a weird question but are u um like, a lesbian?

NIFCA-ist says: Wha??????
NIFCA-ist says: Ahahahahahahaha!!!!
NIFCA-ist says:Was that s'posed to be a serious question??

The Guy says:er
The Guy says:no
The Guy says:not at all

NIFCA-ist says:No seriously, did you just ask me that being serious??

The Guy says: yes

NIFCA-ist says: No *his name here*! I am not a lesbian!!
NIFCA-ist says:Good god, what on earth gave you any doubts?

The Guy says:I dunno whybut u give off a lesbian vibe

NIFCA-ist says:WHA???????
NIFCA-ist says:A les....
NIFCA-ist says:A vibe...???
NIFCA-ist says:I am speechless.

The Guy says:sorry
The Guy says:I dunno man

NIFCA-ist says:Awright...leme calm down and look at this rationally
NIFCA-ist says:Ok...Could you do me a favour and describe this vibe that you seem to pick up from me?
NIFCA-ist says:Maybe it'll help me understand your warped point of view.

The Guy says:I dunno, u just don't seem like someone that goes for guys ....
The Guy says: and the way u's lesbiany
The Guy says: ne'er mind

NIFCA-ist says:I TALK "lesbiany"????

The Guy says: yes

NIFCA-ist says:How???

The Guy says:u how lesbians talk...I can't describe it

NIFCA-ist says:I have no idea how lesbians talk!
NIFCA-ist says:I don't know any lesbians!

The Guy says:it's not a bad thing...I love lesbians
The Guy says:oh ...*insert ashamed/sad emoticon here* I'm sorrryyyyyyyyy
The Guy says:I didn't mean anything by it
The Guy says:if it's any comfort u'd make a hot lesiban

NIFCA-ist says:I don't think I'm ready to take that as a compliment just yet!
NIFCA-ist says:De man reason dat I don't look like the type that likes guys. *insert shocked emoticon here*

The Guy says: I'm sorryyyyy
The Guy says:hey I've got it...u don't act girly
The Guy says:that's it...that's why

NIFCA-ist says:I do too act girly!

The Guy says:nuh uh

NIFCA-ist says:How would you know anyhow?

The Guy says:general conversation with back at bcc

NIFCA-ist says:Hol' on...what is typical "girly" behaviour for you?

The Guy says:I ditsy...and giddy headed
The Guy says:u just seemed like confident
The Guy says:and self assured
The Guy says:sorta like a guy
The Guy says:know what I mea?

Is this guy braindead, or what? He automatically assumes that a female who ISN'T ditsy/giddy-headed, and IS confident and self-assured (wow, I had no idea I came across that way to anyone), is a lesbian??? And even MORE insulting, that all hetersexual females are airheads with low self-esteem??

Maybe they should quarantine this boy before his ignorance spreads.