Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Things That Turn Me Off In A Dude (Especially If He's Trying To Chat Me Up):

1.) Indifference to the law, especially when it concerns his own safety.
Only bothering to put on his seat belt when hefeels like it? What the hell is that about? I hope he gets fined. Twice.

2.) Being an inconsiderate driver period.
Refusing to dim his lights for oncoming traffic tells A LOT about his personality.

3.) Making a habit of abrubtly changing the topic when I'm speaking.
Friggin' hell, this is just so rude and it shows that he really doesn't give a rat's ass what you have to say.

4.) Tryin' to guilt-trip me into callin' him.
Look, if I don't call him, it means that I didn't need to speak to him. Simple. Plus I don't see why I need to call him if he's the one doin' the pursuin'. Geez, I have other things to occupy my time.

5.) Makin' it all about him.
If a fella is tryin' to win me over, good grief, the last thing he should do is lecture me on everything that HE likes, and that HE knows, and that HE does, and that HE wants. It just won't work.
He needs to show ME that he finds me intriguing...that he wants to know about ME. Then, when I notice that I still don't know a damn thing about this guy, I in turn, become fascinated.

6.) Arrogance
Just because I show an interest in him, doesn't mean that he's the smoothest, mack-daddiest, most pimpin'-est playa in the game. No, for all the "skillz" he has, not one of 'em will do a damn thing, unless I'm feelin' that attraction to him from the get-go. Some fellas have this idea that if they "get" the girl, it's due to their irresistable "game".
To which I say no, it's because the girl ALREADY considered him and then decided to let him in...AND because he hasn't screwed up yet.
So he needs to stop feelin' so pleased with himself and get down on his kness and say "Thank you, Ma'am!"

Modesty in a man is SO sexy.

Monday, April 26, 2004

Mmm, this weekend was almost totally uneventful for me. I went almost nowhere, and did almost nothing!
And for once, I'm not disappointed in the least! I pampered myself from the tippety-top, right down to the tippety-bottom.
My family didn't get on each other nerves at all this time, but instead, we coexisted happily and even got in some quality time.
Can you say "Awwwwww."?

In fact, except for being called a liar, I'd say it was one of the most relaxing weekends I've had in a while.
I tellya, unbelievable.
I chalk it up to exam stress tho.


This new printer we have here in the office is reaaaaallly testing my patience. But y'know what? I reFUSE to let it make me crazy...we just have to understand each other.