Saturday, September 06, 2003

This here blog is dedicated to my baby: Colin Farrell.

Last night I watched Phone Booth and I was reminded of why he is the apple of my eye, my snookums, my boo...
1.) He's absolutely gorgeous
2.) He can actually act.

The very first time I laid eyes on this man (Minority Report) I knew it was love, and I knew I'd never look at another man the same way again!
Those sexy eyebrows...those eyes...that hair....that accent...normally I'm not attracted to a pottymouth, but I can definately make an exception with this Irish boy.


Thursday, September 04, 2003

I used to be one of those people who used to think that honesty is the best policy in a relationship...that you should always be open, that you should be free with your heart, and give it willingly and fully, cuz that's the only way to truly feel alive.
I can't remember which movie brainwashed me into believing that bullshit and I can't remember exactly when I stopped being so naive.

What do you do when someone gives you their heart, pours out their feelings to you so openly, exposing their vulnerability to you ? I'll admit, these days everyone else is so guarded, bitter and jaded, that this display of honesty and naivety caught me off-guard. I'm feeling a little over-whelmed.
Doesn't he know how easy it is to get hurt?
Doesn't he realise that you have to protect yourself above all?

If someone told me 5 years ago that I'd be sayin' these things, I woulda called 'em a "big ol' meanie", and run off crying.
Now, I say NEVER let 'em know how much you really care! NEVER let 'em know the whole story.


Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Okay, so I'm back from my cruise....and I'm suffering from SEVERE Post Cruise Depression (PCD)!
There just aren't words to describe the absolute magnificentocity that I enjoyed for the past 7 days (See? I have to make up completey new words!)!
The food...oh my goddess, the food! An inconceivable abundance of food! And to my delight and relief, I discovered that I didn't gain one single pound while on board! Then again...I DID go dancing every night, so I guess I burned off all the calories I consumed.
Unfortunately, I didn't get to pull at anyone since all the hot guys were taken. And w'loss, there sure were a lotta fat people on the ship!

Now, I'm back and I have to deal with all the stuff I escaped for that one magical, wonderous week: constant cleaning, cooking, miserable men in the house.


I realised some things about myself on this cruise too:

*I'm a morning person (the only one I know too!). Not that I wake up early all the time, but that I can go from snoring to sunny and cheerful in 60 seconds.

*I can be quite an ice-queen when I'm ready. Someone would be being totally sweet to me, and all I can think about is how much I wish they'd go away. Callous and indifferent are the words to describe me while in "ice-queen" mode, and I hate when I get like that because it makes me feel ugly.

*I'm a hopeless romantic. I try to hide it and react with scorn to any "mushy" moments I see, whether on tv, or on the faces of the couple strolling along
the beach a few yards away, but I secretly wish I could have that romance in my life.

*I'm a big chicken. Why can't I learn to truly live my adopted motto of "Carpe Diem"? There're so many things out there I wanna do, but I don't because I'm too friggin' scared! Scared of what other people will think, scared of rejection, scared of failing. I need to get over this.

*Sometimes I like being in the limelight too, dammit. Especially when it's for something that I'm good at!

I gotta get my ass back on a cruise ship!