Saturday, January 08, 2005

I wish somebody would come online and talk to me. I feel like reaching out and touching someone.
It's raining, and I kinda bummed, although I'm pretty sure the two situations aren't connected.
Maybe it's that I didn't get enough sleep this morning...only 5 hours. I tried to drift back off, but my eyes refused to close. So here I am...clicking away on the PC, like a zombie. Only with better clothes.

Last night, I bopped on over to a street jam. You never really think about how alone you are, at a fete, until at least 6 people ask who you came with, and you repeat the line "Oh, I came by muhself."
As usual, no-one was dancing particularly. I realise that this bothers me less and less; I just go ahead and do what I came to do, regardless of whether the people in my immediate vicinity are boogieing with me or not.

Some half-drunk guy came tryin' to chat me up and I pretended that I didn't speak English. Bare "No te entiendo." and "Tonto, porque no te vas??" in his ass.
My, but he was persistent: if one question didn't seem to work (which none of them did, since I was a total Latina to him), he just asked the same thing louder:

"My friend, Wuh you nee-um?...WUH YOU NEE-UM?"
"Where you from?.....WHERE YOU FROM???"
"How old you is?.....HOW OLD YOU IS???
"I wanna dance wid you doh.....DANCE...YOU AN' ME...TOGEDDUH."

Then he commented to a friend of his "Nah, she dumb...she cyan speak nuh english." In all honesty, I'd really like to meet the woman who falls for his brand of charm.

Slight C.O.T.

Of course...Batman was there. He pulled the "Here-I-am-standing-all-alone-to-make-it-totally-easy-for-you-to-come-chat-me-up" routine, otherwise known as pulling a "lonely. Glad to say that I didn't fall for it again. I stuck to my resolution and kept my ass the hell away from 'im. So of course when I was leaving, he decided he had to leave too so I HAD to cross his path. Sigh.

To my credit though, I kept any conversation to a bare minimum...just enough to be civil, and I didn't hug him back when he put his arm around me. And I didn't say bye when I walked away.

Phew...Ice-Queen in training!

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

What are the odds of, after making New Year's Resolution No.2 "No more centipedes", that 2 days later, I'd come across 2 of 'em??
Coincidence? Who knows.

It went like this:

Everything was calm, I was watching t.v. on our couch, when suddenly, the alarm went up!

"You! Wha de @#&$ is dah??? I nearly step pun dah, yuh!"

I jumped to my feet and rushed to the scene: there was my brother and his friends in a loose circle around It...a centipede about the length of the finger with which I occassionally make obscene gestures.

My brother dashed off to find a cutless, but I, sensing there wasn't enough time for that, sprang into action.
I didn't pause, I didn't waver. I, the lone female in a group of tall, strapping young men, lept forward with nary a thought of my own safety, and crushed the centipede with my beslippered foot, in a smooth, one-off stomp-and-twist motion.
I was told later that it almost looked like a dance.

The 2nd centipede was taken out with far less style: my brother's friend crushed the pinky-sized varmint with his half-empty beer bottle. I'm not even sure if he wiped the 'pede juice off the bottom before he finished his beer.

Sigh. That's the problem with amateurs. No finesse.