Friday, February 13, 2004

I believe in making small personal goals for oneself…y’know, first you accomplish the small ones then you move on to the big ones.

Well, one-a my small goals, is to make sure that I smell as good as possible, at all times.
Hence I’ve found myself with a collection of shower gels, lotions, body mists, colognes and scented oils.

When I step out of the shower having just washed & conditioned my hair, and I anoint my body with my Skin So Soft bath oil, I feel like a new woman. And of course I make sure everyone in the house catches a whiff.

Mum: “You smell like suh’in tuh eat!” (She doesn't understand why that'd be a GOOD thing)
Warren: “You smell awright…I guess.” (he says, barely glancing away from his computer game)
Dad: “You smell like a funeral parlour!” ( Would it kill him to say something nice?)

Most times I don’t derive much satisfaction from their responses, but I know that deep down I light up their lives with my refreshing aroma!


Tomorrow's Valentine's Day...and even though I'm Valentineless as usual, I can't bring myself to denounce it as a materialistic farce of a "holiday". I can't help it, I think a Lovers' Day is a great idea, and I guess I'll keep saving up my V-Day energy for when I finally get myself someone to expend it on.
I tellya, he ain' gun know wha hit 'im! I'll send him roses, dedicate songs to 'im on de radio, I'll take him out for a romantic starlit picnic wid his favourite dessert, soothe him with a scented back-rub, ....damn, I'd be so good to him, I'd wish I WAS him!

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

I was just sifting through the attic of my memory and I came across files on the happy times I had in the St. Michael School Choir.

I guess I didn't realise it then, but I really did have a blast!
I think most people kinda thought the choir was cheesy, but I stuck to it for 5 years, and I enjoyed every minute.
I remember singing in the St Michael Cathedral for Founder's Day service...our voices rising in unison, above those of the other students.
Tears would come to my eyes as I heard my own voice contributing to a beautiful hymn. Those were the times I really felt like a part of something bigger than myself.

And our old choirmaster Mr. Spencer! Everybody else thought he was a real hard-ass, but I knew he was just misunderstood. Anybody who gave us a box of chocolates every Xmas, couldn'ta been THAT bad!

Those were the days, my friend.

I was a bad, baaaaad, girl today! I ate a whole bag of Caramel Blondies! Now, I don’t know what a blondie is exactly, but these things were like moist, crumbly, nuggets of joy that melt in your mouth. I tasted one, and immediately wanted to praise the Lord and give up men.
I suspect cocaine is one of the main ingredients.

Monday, February 09, 2004

That song GraveDigger by The Dave Matthews Band has got to be the gloomiest song I’ve heard in quite a while, if not ever.
It makes me wanna lock myself in a damp cellar and cry until I pass out.

Well, the show was pretty good...the tickets sold out!
I did mess up in some of the steps, but nothing big enough for me to kill myself over. The lollipop did drop out, but I was smooth enough to retrieve it in time to the music!
Man, am I relieved it's all over. Now I won't have to see that creepy "cultural officer" again! Hooray! However, I WILL miss wearing fishnet stockings.

Will anything ever be good enough for my father?