Friday, February 04, 2005

Now for another Earth Lover Tip (dedicated to Marcus):

Pee in the shower! This'll save at least a flush a day!


Valentine's Day is comin' up. I'm undecided upon whether to ignore it completely, or be festive and celebrate it despite the fact that no tengo un amante en mi vida. I still have a week to decide.

Schuupes, I never get to do all those cute, romantic things on Valentine's Day, so I feel sorry for the guy who ends up with me around any future February 14th's! *big grin* It'll be late night beach picnics, hand-fed chocolates and hot oil massages galore! The works!
And now that I'm learning to play the guitar, he'll be in for a big stinkin' serenade, whether he wants to hear it or not!

Cheers to all the closet-romantics out there.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Our environment is going, or according to many scientists, has gone, to hell in a handbasket.

We're all guilty of choosing convenience (or in the case of the U.S. gov't, money) over a healthier planet, but the time for this luxury is long over.

Occasionally, I'll be posting some tips to help anyone who Always Wanted To Do The Right Thing But Was Too Afraid To Ask How.

Today's Earth Lover Tip:

It will take some planning, but iron all your clothes for the week in one go. This saves serious moolah on the electric bill. Not that I benefit, cuz my mother refuses to cooperate on this. I WILL break her tho...just a matter of time.


I just love that show The Dog Whisperer with Cesar Milan. Check it out on National Geographic, weekdays at 7pm. Cesar is an absolute genius! Plus he looks like a cute little puppy himself.

Monday, January 31, 2005

Highlight of my weekend:

At the beginners class, Saturday afternoon, my dance instructor made a gangly, light-eyed Trini dance with me since he wasn't getting the steps right.
The poor boy's hands were shaking for the first 15 minutes or so! It was so darn cute.

I'm happy to say that my calm, easy manner (heheh) soothed his nerves and he seemed to relax a bit. In true Trini fashion, he joked about how much easier it was to jump and wave a flag.

After a while, he discovered his flip flops were hindering his movements, so he removed them.
Soon after, he unclipped his cellphone, and put aside his wallet.

"Hey, if anything else is getting in the way of your cha-cha-cha, feel free to take it off!" I said, half-joking.

Unfortunately, he didn't take the hint.

Ya's gotta spell everything out for these guys nowadays, boy.


It's funny how much easier learning to play an instrument is, when you do it of your own free-will, than when you're strongly "encouraged" to do so by authority figures. Then again, I suppose that goes for everything.