Saturday, June 14, 2003

I'm sittin' here, at home on a Saturday night. I have no desire to party right now. I only wanna do one thing, but there ain't no "cookies" around, darn it.

Y'know, you really gotta be careful who you let into your world of blogging. I find it's much easier to be honest if you know that you won't have to see your blog-readers on a regular basis!

I just love this song.

The Weakness In Me - Joan Armatrading
I'm not the sort of person
Who falls
In and quickly out of love
But to you I gave my affection
Right from the start

I have a lover
Who loves me
How could I break such a heart
Yet still you get my attention

Why do you come here
When you know I've got trouble enough
Why do you call me
When you know I can't answer the phone

Make me lie
When I don't want to
And make someone else
Some kind of an unknowing fool
You make me stay
When I should not
Are you so strong
Or is all the weakness in me

Why do you come here
And pretend to be just passing by
When I mean to see you
And I mean to hold you

Feeling guilty
Waking from tormented sleep
This old love has me bound
But the new love cuts deep

If I choose now
I'll lose out
One of you has to fall
And I need you
And you

I'm woman enough to admit when I'm wrong and boy, was I humbled. I thought I knew what was goin' on, but it was ME who was in the dark.
One of my mottos is "You can learn something from everyone", but I guess I forgot.
My bad... hope I won't be punished for it!

Lesson For Today: Don't underestimate that person sittin' over there...they can probably teach you a thing or two!

What the hell am I gonna do with you Rix? :) Don't go gettin' a swollen head now!

I feel good.
I knew that I would now.
I feel nice
Just like sugar and spice

Thursday, June 12, 2003

It's funny how sweet words from the right fella can melt a gal's cool, aloof exterior that she tries so hard to maintain.
Unfortunately, I think men know this too.
I mean, they're ONLY words and every girl is reminded by her mother at some point that "talk is cheap" ....
But then, when he tells her that she's beautiful, or that he's hers for the taking,... it does something to her, despite all her common sense. She falters...she thinks "Maybe..."

How did he know I needed to be held like that?

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

It's venting time!

Oh, how I want to throttle our short Venezuelan supervisor! She's not even a supervisor, she's a #&*$@ babysitter! She doesn't know ANYTHING about my job, and she thinks SHE'S supposed to watch over ME? Bullshit!!
Always, she is calling me "Day-eena, watt eez thees?" "Day-eena, watt eez that?" And always in her annoying, whiny Venezuelan voice!

It gets so bad that I think I could handle goin' to jail for assault, as long as it keeps MY name outa HER goddamned mouth!
And since when did everybody in this office become her personal assistants? I didn't get that memo!
Tryin' to stress me out to arrange her rassole hair-salon appointments!
And you'd THINK by now she'd know how to send a fax! Or load paper into the copier! Dumb bitch!

Woo, I think I feel a little better now.

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

I don't think I like single women very much. No offence to all you out there, of course, since I fall into this category too.

It's just that I can't help feeling that we're all like a pack of vultures (I dunno but "flock" didn't seem appropriate)...just waiting for some weak fella to slip up so we can pounce on him and feast on his remains.
And like vultures, we'll fight each other for what we think is the best piece of meat. It's tragic.

I don't think I'm any better either.
If I have my sights set on a certain fella and some other chick pushes herself all up in his personal space, I too, get that primal urge to protect my territory!
It's not often, but yes, I start picturing myself running over, rendering her immobile in a full nelson, and screaming
"Step off, bitch!! What! What!"
I've never actually done anything like that but I'm not proud of myself for even thinking it.

You always hear about sugar highs...but my god, they never tell you about the sugar lows. I just had one setta chocolate fudge ( that cookie ain't never around when you need it), and now I feel like I've hit the deepest, darkest pit of desperation...I feel like I need a shot of caffeine...straight to the bloodstream.
Where's my %*#@ syringe?

Sunday, June 08, 2003

We won!!!!

My partner-for-now, Mark, and I won our division of the latin competition last night! Yes man, we ruled.
First thing he said to me after the competition was " Now, you're no longer my problem!" He really knows how to make a gal feel special.

So now, I gotta get used to my future partner, Shane. This'll be rather interesting since in the latin dances you have to execute a good many....ahem...suggestive (to put it nicely) moves.
Did I mention Shane is 16? He's cool though and a real sweetie, so I have a feeling I'll get over any shyness pretty soon!


I know I've been blogging a lot about self-restraint recently, but I've realised that this a quality that I admire so much. Lemme paint a scenario:

Here you have this cookie.
(the word "man" may be substituted for the word "cookie", if it applies to you)
Now, you know very well you're not s'posed to have this cookie, (this cookie is especially bad for you)
but the cookie is just there for the taking and if you're quiet enough, you can actually hear it calling to you.
By now, you want that cookie so bad, and you think to yourself,
"It's only a cookie...what harm could there POSSIBLY be in me havin' this cookie??"

But what you need to consider, is that that cookie might belong to someone else! And you can't just go around eating other people's cookies!
Or maybe the cookie isn't quite baked enough, and could use some more time in the oven before it's ready for eating!

Anyhow, here's where the iron-will comes in handy. Even though all you really wanna do is tear the wrapping off the cookie and lick off all the creamy filling,
it'd be so admirable if you could rise above and beyond your natural human cumpulsion and just say,
"No, I will NOT have this cookie!" and go and look for a carrot instead.