Friday, January 13, 2006

The new season of Dancing With The Stars started last week Thursday, and one of the "Stars" is none other than rapper/entrepeneur Master P! When I heard this, my first thought was "Are they serious?", and after watching him and his behaviour last night, I can see that my initial doubt was well-founded.

As much ice as he rocks and as many dubs as he rolls on, the man is still an uncouth, ghetto thug.
He says he's doing the show "to represent for all the rappers out there." but he's not doing ANYTHING! The man won't even TRY to dance, he's just clomping around like a blind cow!
The judges reprimanded him for wearing basketball shoes for his 1st performance, and all he can say is that he "ain't changin' who he is fa nobody!"
Of all the ignorance! Why did he even ENTER it if he won't make an effort??

His poor partner Ashley Del Grosso, is trying so hard to remain polite and open, and even went and GOT him a pair of proper dance shoes. The things were stylin'. Diddy or Jay-z woulda worn 'em with pride. When she presented them to him, his response was to drop them on the floor and kick them away with disdain, growling "Naw, naw." the whole time!
Did he think that was funny?? It wasn't, it was appalling!

And to think he probably has NO idea that he's showing himself on international television as an uncivilised, ungracious,inflexible barbarian!
He even refused to take off his cap, but instead turned it backwards.

He didn't "represent" fact he has fueled the negative stereotype of rappers that I'm sure most of the organizers and viewers hold.

He disgusts me.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Okay, I'm back and it feels SO good to be home!

First things first: my partner and I didn't manage to place in our competition, but that's NOT because we didn't dance our butts off! I'm actually VERY happy with our's just that apparently SOMEBODY insisted that we enter the category above the one for which we were better suited!
As a team however, Barbados DEFINATELY made it's presence felt, since all the other couples placed in their categories.
As crushed as I was that we didn't bring home a trophy, I can't let it get me down.

Gotta get back out there, cuz I KNOW I can do this thing. It's a new year, and we gotta make some changes.

Slight C.O.T.

The cold definately wasn't as bad as all the horror stories I'd been hearing...either that, or I'm a helluvva lot tougher than I thought!!
What was REALLY horrible was the bathing part of it. Before I go on, I just want to make it clear that I DID bathe everyday...but it certainly wasn't something I looked forward to while over there.

Why don't these people have a mixer tap??? It's not rocket science!! Normal human beings cannot bathe in water that is either freezing cold or scalding hot, so why are those the only options???
Usually I don't mind bathing out of a basin very much, but doing so in a chilly bathtub with no shower curtain is downright stressful!!

And what's up with the room heater? It only heats within a 1ft radius of itself, so generally speaking I found it virtually useless at heating the room. It DID heat my pajamas pretty well however. Nothing like a toasty bum as you drift off to sleep.

More comments on my Blackpool Experience to come....