Friday, January 30, 2004

It's Friday afternoon, and instead of being engulfed in that delicious Weekend energy, I'm pensive and irritable.

How can that boy be so apathetic about our practice sessions? It's only 7 more frikkin' days 'til this @#$&% performance, and he's still being so frustratingly picky about what steps we use in our routine! I could understand his point if we had 2 months, but we only have 7 days!!
He's never seen me in bitch mode, and Lord knows I've been patient with him, but if he keeps this up, I AM GOING TO BLOODY LOSE IT!

I can just feel the frustration and anxiety bubbling inside me like hot, green bile.

I feel like grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him until his teeth rattle! Until realization flickers into his eyes! Until some sort of reasoning is jolted into his rebellious, teenaged mind!


Thursday, January 29, 2004

I got to be a guest on Chat Room this morning.
I was nervous before I went on, but after I sat in those big ol' comfy chairs, it was a piece-a cake!
Maybe I should consider a career in televised media!

My partner kicked me in the boob last night, at dance practice. He apologised profusely, but that doesn't change a thing...I'm STILL gonna get him back tonight. I MUST avenge the pain inflicted on poor Bettina.
Thank heavens Ichiko wasn't harmed.

Gotta look after my "girls" y'know.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Okay, so I finally found my L'Oreal NutriMoisture conditioner.
*big ol' sigh of relief*
This'll play a big part in my effort to grow my hair out.

I recently bought myself a new bra in an unusual colour....seafoam green!
When it comes to the "boulder-holders" I'm an all-black kinda girl, so this is a definate change for me! I'm workin' my way up to fire-engine red!
I tellya, pretty undies really give you a mood boost!


He misses me! Unbelievable! Knowing that the one you miss, misses you back, is absolutely stupendous!