Saturday, April 26, 2003

I was in a quiet, pensive mood today....verging on miserable.
I wanted to go out, but then, when a friend called me up to go out, all I wanted to do was lounge around in my pajamas. One of my annoying traits: I'm indecisive sometimes. It even gets on MY nerves.

I'm seeing interracial couples everywhere (other than the "rent-a-dred/old tourist woman" couples, that is!). I think it's so nice that people can overcome such obvious differences and get together like that.
I dunno if I could be comfortable goin' out with a white guy. Not that they're not cute, hell, some of 'em are downright scrumptious. It's just that Bajan white guys never seem interested, and foreign white guys seem TOO interested, if ya know what I mean.

Friday, April 25, 2003

Dirty rotten SCUM of human life!!! Not only do they take what doesn't belong to them, but in their greedy haste to get it, they DESTROY whatever is in their path! No %$@#& respect for other people's property!
Why can't we go back to the old ways? Why can't we cut off the hands of all those teefin' bastards? Why do the majority of them get away with it? Is there some higher power that watches over them?
It's absolutely crushing to think that one could work so hard for something, only to have some vile degenerate snatch it up with their cruddy, thieving fingers.
It's a goddamned VIOLATION, and not only is a physical object lost or destroyed, but a little part of one's spirit too!

Thieves, I spit on you!

Thursday, April 24, 2003

Throat infection turned out to be a full out cold! Now where the hell could I have picked THIS up? This is the 3rd cold I've had for the year.
My immune system is TOTALLY wack!
Couldn't bare the thought of spending the whole day in the wintery conditions of the office so my ass stayed home today!

I gotta say, I DID feel kinda guilty spending the whole day in the house when I only JUST came back from vacation.
But hey, I'll get over it.

Whassup with all the gym-mania I see lately?? Everybody always talkin' about they goin' to de gym... Not that it's a bad thing, of course...I guess it's cool that people taking such an active role in their health.
Personally, I'd rather get my work-out while shakin' my booty. And believe it or not, you can work up quite a sweat doin' chores, eg. cleaning the bathroom, sweeping the floors, raking leaves, mowing the lawn...etc.
And the bonus is, the house looks great! Yup, I excercise efficiently!

You, I sound a bit like Martha Stewart, yuh. That's not a good thing.

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Here I am, rotting away in the frozen tundra of this office. The one thing I've missed is the constant internet connection!
And now, I've got a throat infection. It's as if my very immune system is rebelling against my being here.

Oh, how I long to frolic once more, in the sunshine, grains of white sand sparkling against my scantily-clad body... how I crave the soothing aroma of SPF 30 non-comedogenic sunscreen...alas, I left my heart at Accra.

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

My last day of vacation...strangely enough, I'm not that heart-broken. Maybe I've just had enough staying up late and getting up even later.
Yeah, I said it! I've had enough of waking up late! The time has come for me to confess again: a morning person!
Well, more of a morning person than anyone else I know around my age.

Awright, on to my exciting Last Day of Vacation! I've separated my activities into 2 categories to make this easier...

Before 2pm: Cleaned my room. Gave myself a pedicure. I WILL have beautiful feet if it kills me!

After 2pm: Went to the beach, in one last effort to become the same Brown Goddess on the outside that I am on the inside!
This time was different though...THIS time I had my best friend for company! Makes all the difference in the world.
We discussed EVERYTHING about EVERYBODY on that length! From the guy who looked like he was expecting twins, to the "voluptuous" chick in the thong. Man, I figure if SHE cuh wear one and look good, I could get away wid it too!
I swear, if anybody overheard our conversations, we might just be mistaken for catty, airheads! *Gasp*

Saw a guy I used to go out with there too. Every time I see 'im, I want 'im all over again. But as the song goes, "he dun me wrong, and he ain't no good for me." Rats.

Thus concludes the highlights of my day.

Y'know what? Confession is good for the soul.

Monday, April 21, 2003

I Love Club Xtreme

The lights, my god, the lights! And the music! And the free drinks! Yaaaaaay!! Usually, free drinks aren't an issue for me, but dammit, I tried suh'in new!
I had, not 1, not 2...not even 6...but 7 Passoa and pineapples! An all time record for me! And I was only a TAD tipsy.

I only have one suggestion for the management: Death to Smokers!!! My hair smells like a frigging ash-tray.

Guinness Rush Hour Extract:
I waan big-up gals like Honey-Roasted and she sista , Tanama, Gemenii, and a man like Grind! Wha part RaithX did?

I was definately in "puppy-mode" last night (i.e. over-the-moon happy, for no apparent reason)!

Question: Why is it that every time I come home from a fete my body gotta feel like I went jumpin' down Spring Garden??

Sunday, April 20, 2003

Ahhh, last night was divine!!

Here's the break down:

1. Had dinner with a handsome and charming man! Someone once said "Life is as good as the company you keep." In that case my life was fairly rosy last night!
Question: What IS it about fancy restaurants that gives them the right to charge you NAAAAFFFF moolah for 2 scrawny pieces-a shrimp, and a thimble full-a dipping sauce? I'll never get it!

2. Went dancing! A Latin Night was held to allow the peops in de ballroom fraternaty to mingle with the Russian dance troupe that performed here a while ago!!
It got fairly bashy after a while too, cuz de Russians wanted a taste of de "Wukkup Phenomenon"!! One of them ACTUALLY spun pooch properly! And den hit us wid a tremble that dun up de place!!! He was hot, ya!

I need me a Russian man.