Thursday, May 29, 2003

Even though I have a cold, here I am at work.
I am such a trouper.
Due to an excess of phlegm, my voice has taken on the husky, sultry tone of a cafe jazz-singer.
I think I like it.
I feel like putting on a sexy evening gown and heading to the nearest karaoke jam session.
Chaaa, I think I'd rock the joint! Or at least spread my cold germs to everybody in the place!

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

I have a cold again. This is the 3rd in 5 months. I need a good dose of sleep, but unfortunately I'm at work.
If this blog makes no sense, it's mostly because I'm doped up on cold medicine.

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

I'm fighting off a stress attack here. Here's why:

1. My dance studio is holding a ball in 5 days in which I am performing.
2. There's a competition in 11 days in which I am competing.
3. My seamstress hasn't STARTED making my costumes yet.
4. My quickstep routine seems to be undanceable for some reason.
5. I've sustained an injury to my toe, and for the life of me, I can't recall how!
6.Lately, I seem to be living out of a suitcase because of all the practice sessions.
7.My bedroom is a jungle of crumpled clothes, fitness aids and miscellaneous junk.
8. I see no hope of redemption from this chaos for at least 2 more weeks

I need a frescante espresso.

Monday, May 26, 2003

I hate trying on clothes, especially in the presence of skinny people!

Why is it that my brother can sit on his ass all day long, eat NAFF food and somehow manage to lose 3 lbs,
while I have been bustin' my butt with rigourous dance routines for the last month and a half, all the while eating food with little fat, sugar, salt AND taste, and I've friggin'-well GAINED 1 lb?!?!
This is bull-shit. SOMEbody's gonna pay for this.

I've come to the conclusion that self-deprivation is cruel. When one starts depriving oneself of desired objects or experiences, a kind of tension builds up inside, and it's just not healthy!
I dunno about anybody else, but when I find myself in this situation, I feel like my whole aura is thrown into a state of discord!
I change from being my own best friend, to a harsh "Enforcer"...someone who always says "No, you can't!" or "No, you shouldn't!
One can't live like that.
So my advice to anyone, is not to deny yourself those little pleasures we all crave, just have them in moderation!

However, if you find pleasure in stabbing people, I'm sorry, but you really should give that up altogether.

Sunday, May 25, 2003

Like a plantation owner to a slave, ballroom owns me right now!
Whassup with these twice a day rehearsals? I mean, I DO have a life outside of ballroom...don't I? I can't remember anymore.
All de talk, I'm gonna miss all the group practice when it's over!

The last minutes of Saturday are draining away as I type this...I'm about to go out feting, and honestly...I'm tired!
Why do I do this to myself??? My body is pleading with me for sleep and I'm cruelly ignoring its pitiful cries. Why? Because right now, I'm lookin' DAMN foine, and I can't deprive all those hot boys out there, of all-a dis!!
Off I go!