Saturday, May 22, 2004

I managed to wriggle out of my movie date. Phew.
I DID have a good reason though...I had to help work on some costumes for a performance on Sunday night! I realise that I really need to learn to sew. It would be so handy to be able to do more than just mend socks, hem skirts and attach buttons.
I'd step out de house looking like a black Paris Hilton every frikkin' day, dred! Only not as skinny.


Starting today, my brother and I have the house to ourselves for the next week! That's right, de parents are off to New Orleans, the home of Mardis Gras! I warned my mother that I better not see her flashin' nuttin' on "Girls Gone Wild: The Over-40's Edition"
The more I think about it I shoulda warned my father too...he's got a rather disturbing exhibitionist streak in him.

Slight C.O.T.

My Dad has his annoying traits, but one thing I gotta admire about the man, is his stoicism! Pain just is NOT an issue for this guy! Last night, while frying some chicken, the oil spattered up and covered his entire hand!
(You know wha's ya whole hand covered in boiling oil???)

Dad didn't even gasp! He just walked quickly over to the sink and said "Somebody get me some ice-water." Meanwhile, Warren and I were running around like chickens without heads tryin' to get the ice for him as fast as we could! I mean, he always plays down any pain he may have, but he impressed the hell outa me that time, boy!
Cha, de same time he got burnt, an oil splatter, about the size of your average saliva golfball, had hit me in de backside, and even THAT little thing, made me squeal!
Props to Dad, a real macho man!

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Wow, it's Thursday already...this week went faster than Lil Rick's waist at East Coast last year.

Man, I had such a grand ol' time LAST weekend, that I feel like getting out and being social again THIS weekend too!
Unfortunately, dance practice/performance will be taking up a big chunk of my party/lime schedule. Rats. JUST when I was gettin' the hang of it again.

Interestingly enough, I find myself with a movie date for this Friday night. A little voice inside me keeps whispering " Ammmm, y'know Daanz, this may not be such a good idea." But I can't help myself. After all, I DO wanna see this what if it's with that weirdo. As long as he doesn't try anything...odd, it should be okay.


Daana's Tips For Good Livin'

Whenever you're takin' a shower, don't forget to pay special attention to all those oft-ignored nooks and crannies on your body. Ya never can tell where someone is planning on sticking their tongue!

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Well...that sure was one heck of a birthday weekend.

The whole thing started on Thursday night. I went bar-hoppin' in the Gap wid my bro and my best friend who oversaw my endrunkenment. I don't think I'll be running THAT route again any time in the near future. I can handle bein' tipsy, but dat "drunk" ting ain' fuh me at all! Too much energy is spent making sure I neither do nor say anything stupid. One thing I've noticed is how much more attractive everyone else seems while under the affluence of incohol.

Friday night, I headed on over to Xtreme with my main mission being to hunt down Mr. Beautiful from last Saturday.
Pretty sad, I'll admit, but still not as sad as what happens later on.
This boy proved to be quite a challenging target. He reFUSED to stay put! All night long de man was walkin' up and down, in and out like he was on a frikkin' tour. And when his ass finally settled on spot for more than 5 minutes, he'd be talkin' to one girl or another. It was quite a draining experience.
Finally, I got to dance with him again...and happened. The man pulled a "save me" manouvre on me!
Y'know, that move where you wanna get away from whoever's talkin'/dancin' with you, and you signal to your friend to save you by pretending to whisper in your ear about something important...

Talk about messin' with my head. I tellya, I just don't GET that dude. And I thought I was lookin' pretty cute that night too. Was he blind? Unfortunately, I still think he's fine. Ah well.

My Saturday turned out to be much better. Here're the highlights:

* Watching 2 yummy-lookin' young tings at de beach, glisten in the sun as they rubbed cocoa butter all over their torsos. Haha! I just love objectifying men!

* Dinner with a certain bunch of S.i.n.ners! Even though I was the only one who had boogie-fever, it was still a nice time! Thanks again Ana!