Saturday, June 07, 2003

It's officially Saturday. My 2nd latin competition will begin in about 21 hours. I just wanna get this one over with so I can relax.

Friday, June 06, 2003

I'm a Blogger Without A Cause today.
Why? Because I felt like blogging but I have no point.
I'll probably just ramble aimlessly along, jumping from one train of thought to the other, much like a butterfly in a flower garden.

Again, I find myself giving up much-needed sleep in favour of other, less productive, yet way more enjoyable activities. Why do I do this to myself?

What do you do when faced with an undeniable temptation? Do you cave or do you resist with every fibre of your being?
Will you be strong, do the right thing, be a shining example of an iron will?
Or will you crumble, and partake in that guilty pleasure that you crave?
I guess it all depends on the consequences of caving...e.g.if anyone'll get hurt, if it'll turn out okay in the long run, if cheescake is involved...that kind of thing.
I like to think I'm pretty strong-willed, but I'm only foolin' myself.
I'm weak, dammit. I don't WANNA resist! And like I said before, self-deprivation is cruel!

Thursday, June 05, 2003

Today I was taken out to lunch...and broken up with!
The wierd part was that the guy and I weren't actually together in the first place!
The guy's whole reasoning is that it makes no sense for him to even pursue me, because if I were to respond to his advances , I would become too great a temptation for him to stray away from his Christian ideals! And so, he "dun wid me"!

Well, now that I'm re-telling the story, I don't know whether to be flattered or offended!!
But I tellya, at the time, I just thought it was hilarious x 10! I laughed and I laughed. Right there in the middle of Ideal Restaurant, 2nd floor Cave Shepherd.

And that right there, was the highlight of my day so far.

Wednesday, June 04, 2003

Well! So far, today has been quite an interesting day for me. I'm not the only one who feels the need for confession these days.

How do some people get the nerve to confess their attraction for that person who makes their aura swirl? HOW, I ask? Especially if that person appears out of reach (you get 10 more points Rix, JUST for that!).
I think it's beyond me for the time being. However, I want you all to bear witness as I make this oath:

I, Daana Naolat Linton, hereby solemnly swear that before I draw my last breath,
I will find the courage to confess to the object of my affection at any given point in time,
that I dig his stuff.

There. Now I have to do it or I'll be struck down by lightning.
The threat of a horrible death is always an effective motivator.

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

Y'know, I make an effort to be all "zen" and not let the little, insignificant problems in life get to me, but sometimes I slip up and I get so frustrated at utter nonsense!
For example: my hair!!

Sometimes it's cool. It generally does what I want it to do, no problems or anything.
And then, suddenly, with NO provocation, it rises up against me!!
I tellya, it's like a &%$@#! mutiny on top my head!!
And to be perfectly honest, a little dirt goes a long way when it comes to keeping my hair under control.
Right after I wash it, it gets on like a runaway slave!
It's here, there, and EVERYwhere, like it's tryin' to jump right off my scalp!
I can't count the number of times I've resisted the urge to grab up a knife,
(not a scissors, a knife! Because I've wanted to hurt it like it has hurt me!) and just slash it all right off!

My own mother will give me no sympathy. Her solution to my every hair drama is "Straighten it to rass!"
Not in those exact words, but you get the point. I think I almost caught her trying to put a tape player with the theme music from a "Dark & Lovely" commercial, under my pillow.
Her unwillingness to accept my hair in it's natural state is exasperating.

I dunno why I keep letting these delivery guys stress me out. Yesterday the postman (who has an extremely sexy voice I must say) indicated that he thought I was 30!!! He was SO surprised when he learned I was in fact 23.
Of course this put a serious damper on my otherwise chipper mood.
I told my Mum about it and she tried her best to comfort me:

"It's your hairdo.", she said. "It's too severe. I think you should straighten it."

Monday, June 02, 2003

I'm so unbelievably happy today! I feel like a puppy with a rawhide bone! I feel like skipping down Broad Street and swinging on the lamp posts!! This is absolutely ridiculous. I need to just hold it down. But I can't, I just can't!
Even now, as I sit in the frozen tundra of my office, I can't feel the cold.
It can't penetrate my warm, happy pink-orange aura today!

Sunday, June 01, 2003

I woke up this afternoon feeling like an old woman. I was stiff and groggy as if hung-over. I worked HARD for the whole of the last week, and I felt it ALL when I got up!

The much-anticipated Ball was last night, and even though we frigged up a couple times, I still think we rocked the house!!


Time for another captivating episode of "Confession Corner" with your host, me!

I've developed a dislike for someone who I shouldn't have.
I'm forced to be in this person's presence for a little while and it would REALLY help if I could stand him!

And, just to balance things out, I've developed a little crush on somebody who I shouldn't have!
And I can't even tell my best friend
about it because:
a.) she'd just sigh in exasperation, figuring I'm goin' through a phase, and more important,
b.) she left the island.

The best thing for me to do is just push the whole crush thing outa my head because it's as far-fetched as it gets.

Okay, I feel a little better now.