Friday, May 09, 2003

Awright, I'm-a do this in point form today.

*Anyone who says they don't like chocolate just hasn't found the right form of chocolate!
I used to one of those people.

*Some girl was handing out pink carnations for Mother's Day, and she gave me one. This was a bright spot in my day, only to be outdone by....

*....the"Cute Fed-Ex Guy" sighting in the corridor of our building. Our conversation was much longer this time since it mostly consisted of him teasing me about said Mothers' Day carnation.
Slowly but surely, I'm winning him over!

Thursday, May 08, 2003

I've been posting comments to other people's blogs for the last 2 days and they just won't appear in the comments window!
Was there a unanimous decision to put me on "block" status or something?

Pantyhose is an evil, evil thing.
It was produced by Satan himself, to cause chaos and turmoil in the lives of women (and some men).

I swear, if ya find the colour you want (sheer black), they'll be too frigging short and the crotch will only go as far up as the middle of your thigh!

If you find a pair long enough, they'll start to bag and sag at the ankles by about noon!

If then you find a pair that actually fits you perfectly, they'll cost $424.99, and they'll get a run in them for no reason whatsoever, as soon as you put them on!

THEN, if you're lucky enough to find a pair in your colour, that fits you perfectly, that's reasonably-priced, that by the grace of The Almighty you manage to put on without running them,...
somewhere, somehow, a vicious stray cat will find your ass and rip them to shreds!!
Schuupes, animal rights my big toe! That flea-ridden varmint messed with the wrong chick this time though.
May the R.S.P.C.A. never find the bones.

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Guess what I discovered while getting ready for work this morning....wait for it....wait for it.....a grey hair! Me!
I've always wanted two streaks of white hair on either side of my head and it looks like I may be on my way to getting it!
Or maybe I'll just go white all over, like Storm.
Crawl would like that, I'm sure.
This is by far the most exciting thing that's happened to me all week!
Except for yesterday when the weird old janitor in our office winked at me...twice. I wish he wouldn't do that.

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Why is it that whenever I go to the bank, behind me in the queue, there will always be a crusty, wierd old man who mutters to himself and insists on invading my personal space? It never fails.
I swear there must be a Crusty Old Men's Association (officially known as C.O.M.A.) that monitors my movements and sends one of their operatives into the bank behind me, with the sole purpose of making me uncomfortable!

Monday, May 05, 2003

Our DHL guy refuses to speak to me.
He jokes and chats with everyone in here except the Iyah.
In the group "Employees Who Sit In Full View Of The Door", I've been working here the longest, so ya would THINK he'd be more familiar with me! Even when he calls the office on the phone, he askes to speak to someone else JUST to ask if our package is ready to send off! What is his problem?
I don't even know why this bothers me so much.

Sunday, May 04, 2003

All of a sudden, I find mutants sexy. Especially if they have dark blue skin, and tantalizing yellow eyes.
Crawl, if you ever read this, I love you baby! You turn me on in ways I never thought possible! I don't care that you only have a total of 6's not what you got, it's how you USE it!

I don't like to cook.
I've been denying this to myself for the longest while, for fear that all the fellas I know will roll their eyes and put me in the category they like to call
"These 90's/New-Age/Femenist Women"
I know deep down that I should cook from time to time, but I realise that I don't like to do it mostly because my father keeps telling me that I have to cook, and he's sexist.
Yet another mental block I need to get over.

I hate how people look at me when they find out I've never been in love. Their whole attitude changes to one of pity and condescension.
Fart on on all of them!