Saturday, January 01, 2005

And here we are! The first day of 2005! It didn't start out much like my fantasy, but hey, at least none of my loved ones were swept away by a tsunami either
No matter what, I can't complain, because compared to what's goin' on in Asia, my Old Year's was fabulous. Remember the Indonesian posse and the Thai crew, in your prayers.

The Midnight New Year's kiss has eluded me yet again, but my new reasoning is that midnight comes around every 24hrs, so I'll have at least 30 more opportunities this month to make up for it.

There're certain party poopers out there who don't even bother to make resolutions, claiming they never stick to 'em, so there's no point. Me, I love making new year's resolutions, and really putting in the effort to keep to them all year long, in my quest for personal growth.

My resolutions:

1.) Embrace change. Yeah, I'll admit, I'm one-a those peops who likes stability and constance. But things change, such is life, so it's best to have a good attitude about it.

2.) No more centipedes. Take this any way you want.

3.) No more Batman. And I won't stand for any bets being made on how long I'll last with this one.

4.) Make that first head-nod greeting when I cross paths with one-a those people whom I kind of know, but for no reason in particular, don't speak to. When I think about it, it makes more sense to at least acknowledge each other presence than to sail past like ships in the dark.

Friday, December 31, 2004

And here we are...the last day of 2004. Time for me to take a deep breath and embrace two-kay-five. Unfortunately it's looking like I won't be ringing in the new year in my ideal fashion, so I'll take this opportunity to blog about....

My Fantasy Old Year's Night

Picture it: St. Lawrence Gap, the street is alive with merry-makers, tourists and locals alike, everyone is buzzing on the Old Year's excitement.
Or maybe it's the 2-for-1 tequila shots from Cafe Sol.

Le Groove has reunited and is performing in McBrides, while Krossfyah is set to rock at Ship Inn.

Everyone I know and love to party with is at one bar or another in the gap. I'm reunited with all my main girls and we're reminiscing over our past school day shennanigans while sipping blueberry margaritas.

After stopping in every bar along the road, we end up in Ship Inn, to boogie until it's countdown time.

Guess who's there too...Batman!
Of course, I ignore him completely until he comes over and speaks. We exchange the customary "hi, how are you's", and then I give him the cold shoulder he deserves. My girls can't believe my noncholance.

Seems like he's finally come to his senses, but I couldn't care less.
He eventually grows a spine and comes over to ask me to dance. I think to myself "Oh, what the's Old year's night.", and I let him put his arms around me. And so we dance, and it's nice, like I always figured it would be. What the hell was he running from all this time?
The music stops and it's 15 seconds 'til the start of 2005!
Everyone's counting down, and I'm pretending not to notice that he hasn't moved away from me.

It's 12 o'clock now and everyone shouts "Happy New Year!!" I ignore him and hug my friends. A chorus of Auld Lang Syne starts up, and I pretend to finally notice him. I go to hug him and he steals a New Year's kiss....right on the lips. What a nerve. He's obviously drunk.

He pulls away , and looks at me like I might try to slap him. I really should. Instead, I pull in close to whisper to him, my hands sliding around the back of his neck, my lips grazing his ear,

"You snooze, you lose. Have a nice life guy."

And then I party on 'til sunrise with my girls!

The End!

Cha....I'd have to be made of stone to pull that off!

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Well, I'm feeling a heckuva lot jollier now, thank Emily. Ready to spread joy and goodwill and all that.
Which I DID to some extent, at BoatYard last night. Ahhhhh, felt good to be among so many familiar faces, every one dancing and having a ball.

But I have one question for the fellas out there. Please, if you're male and your reading this...PLEASE lend me some insight to the workings of the masculine brain on this:

Why in the name of all that makes sense, would you say you're attracted to a girl, then spend the whole night avoiding her?
Please...I really need some opinions on this. I need to start the new year off with a clear head.
Help a sistah out here guys.

Monday, December 27, 2004

There goes my Christmas and boxing day and since I'd rather not say anything bad about those two days, I won't blog about 'em.
I just gotta start taking that saying "It's only as good as you make it", more seriously. In fact, I'll probably add that to my list of New Year's resolutions.


I generally don't have drama in my life. When I encounter drama, it's usually someone else's drama that somehow touches me. If I'm gonna be upset, at least let it be my own drama that upsets me. Or wait, maybe I don't know what I'm asking for.

Whenever I'm about to suh'in not quite "proper" but bound to be fun I hear a little voice telling me it's not the right thing to do. It's my conscience, it's annoying as hell, and it sounds a lot like my parents.
Hey, maybe I'll add that on to my resolutions: Ignore the voices cuz everybody's bound to do things that their parents won't necessarily approve of at some time.

How can people be so open with their maliciousness and their triflingness? I mean, even if your intentions are less than pristine, at least try to hide it so other people won't know you for the scoundrel you are!