Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Alright, the time has come for me to stop being such a damn recluse. It's okay to let people in on (some of) my thoughts. Sometimes, it's okay to be let that guard down and let my views out, to open myself to the world wide web.
Repeating that last line in my head made me picture the deep and mysterious ocean. I guess there're quite a few parallels between the sea and the internet.


As I was washing the dishes after breakfast this morning, I stabbed mysef in the finger with my dad's xtra sharp breakfast fork. Purely by accident of course. For whatever reason he likes his cutlery like surgical instruments and indeed his favourite dinner knife looks ike a scalpel. Lost dream issues? Maybe.


I LOVE Justin Timberlake's song "Sexy Back". I've been waiting for guys to start being sexy again!

The beat makes me wanna pop the booty! In fact...I think I will!