Wednesday, May 10, 2006! Right this moment I'm freakin' the heck out because DJ John Doe is bringing down some CLASSIC wukkup tune! Cheese-cutta Wine, Balance Batty, Short Pants, oh my! Now he's playing Zouk La C'est Sel..or whatever you call it!
Oh the memories! I'm getting flushed just thinking about 'em!


I can't believe I almost forgot to blog about this.

A lil' while ago it was baccanal on Crystal Avenue (mi barrio). We have a neighbor who I refer to as The British Twinky because a) she's from England, b) she's blonde and c) all she ever wears to do her yardwork is one of her many, many bikinis. Dad tells me I should go do yardwork in MY bikini to show her how it's s'posed to look.
This suggestion disturbs me somewhat.

Back to the story. Twink owns a couple-a pitbulls and when she moved here, all the neighbors got a lil' anxious, even though she put up extra fence. Well, early Saturday morning about 2 weeks ago, her "adopted" pitbull jumped over her wall and chased a young dude down our avenue! The poor guy just happened to bail over OUR wall (crushing Dad's crotons, he lamented later on) and land on his head on the lawn. He was terrified. He couldn't even speak properly when my parents brought him into our living room.

Well, this incident absolutely infuriated my parents and they each handled in it their own way. My Mum stood on our patio in her nightie and hollared across the road like a crazy person, at Twink's house (empty at the time), and my Dad simply called the police. Twink really hasn't been in his good books since she wrongly accused him of poisoning her cat a few weeks after she moved here.

It was something else when the cops actually came too.

The young dude was ok, praise the Lord, but apparently his mum's Jamaican, so I don't think this'll end here.