Thursday, September 25, 2003

I think I may have a challenge here.
I've entered a new ballroom partnership, and so far, I'm not sensing the same level of enthusiasm about it from my partner as I have.
This means that I'm gonna have to take charge in some ways,…assume the role of Initiator.
The problem with that, is that this is a role that I’m definitely not used to playing. This is gonna be difficult as rass.
If this is how he’s gonna be for the whole time we’re together, then I’m gonna have to rely on myself for motivation for the BOTH of us. Even thinking about it is draining me right now.
This’ll require a truckload-a inner strength and perseverance. Qualities which I’ve always wanted to develop in myself, and I guess this is my chance.
Yup, this’ll be good for me…like a kind of therapy.

Bring it on.

I have a sneaking suspicion that Rix still reads my blogs.

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

I will never understand how anyone can use the words "I love you" so freely. Those are some dangerous words right there. They set off all kindsa bells and whistles in your head. Not to mention all dem chemical reactions that cloud your judgement.
*Sigh* All that commotion caused by what's s'posed to be JUST words. Just words, my ass.
And the sentence "I think I'm falling in love with you." wreaks JUST as much havoc on your system.

Isn't there s'posed to be some sorta standard length of time that a couple has to be "going out" before one or both parties involved decide that they're in love? Like a year, maybe?
Shit man, this ain' no game.
People cannot just go around saying "I love you" all willy-nilly like it ain't nuttin'! That can really mess someone up!

On a somewhat realated topic...

Rix ain't goin' nowhere for a while to come. Yup, he's gonna be in my life in a big way, and while I'm glad about that, I still gotta resist that temptation.
Damn cookie!

Tuesday, September 23, 2003 I'm having a bit of a block as to what to blog about. So this here'll be fictional.
Yes, this is what my life SHOULD be like:

Good grief, this week is gonna be tough, but at least I got through the dreaded Monday alive! Yesterday, we had the new lighting system installed for the stage, so we had to practise the whole cabaret routine out on the lawn, of all places!
It wasn't TOO bad though, especially since HE showed up again to watch me!
Jonathon, beautiful Jonathon, always actin' like he doesn't want me. When's he gonna stop the facade and just give in?
He pretended to be "just passing by" again. Yeah right. I tellya, if he wasn't so bloody fine, I'd give up on him altogether.
Oh, who am I kidding! My heart was his from the first time i saw 'im! Just wish he'd get his act together.

Oh, and the place was PACKED again last night, as usual! Monty, our manager, gave us some big news after the show too: we're booked to go on a Caribbean tour for the next 3 months!
I couldn't believe it!
As head choreographer, dance principal in the show, AND lead singer in the band, this means I got some SERIOUS wuk to do!

Ok tha's it for now. Better grab some rest when I can!

Monday, September 22, 2003

Well, my quest for Beautiful Feet has been temporarily way-laid.
Yup, the toenail on the 2nd toe (my favourite one!) on my left foot has finally come completely off after hangin' on for a few weeks. Even though I knew I'd lose it (ever since I sustained the injury from a clumsy moment on my cruise when I banged my foot into my ballroom partner's heavy sneaker. I saw stars that day.), I still feel a sense of loss.
So much so, that I was inspired to write this poem:

Stripped Digit

Poor little toe,
Devoid of a nail
How could I know
You were destined to fail?

You lie with the others
Too pink and too naked
No more like your brothers
Not sure I can take it.

Where once was a nail
Now is uncovered skin.
I think I'll still paint you
Just so you'll fit in

Even though you're so bare
You haven't lost your "cutes"
Could this be an excuse
To buy some new boots?

All is not lost
Little toe, just hang on
You'll grow a new nail
And you're still my best one!

Sunday, September 21, 2003

Yesterday was an unusually busy Saturday for me...instead of sleeping 'til 12, which is what I normally do after partying the night before, I got up at eight-friggin'-thirty to meet a guy(let's call 'im Bryan) in order to "help him out" as he put it, and be his partner for a Rhino Ryder excursion!

A Rhino Ryder is like a combination jet-ski/rubber dinghy, which seats 2 people, and the passenger has to sit RIGHT up behind the driver (i.e. in panty-mode) in order for this thing to go as fast as it can. Hmm, now that I think about it, it seems kinda sus...y'mean he had NO other female friends willing to do this thing? If this turns out to be a come-on (which I suspect it is), how can I turn him down nicely?

Oh well, I had a blast though! I should really make an effort to try more typical "tourist" activities!

The only thing that I had a slight problem with, happened during the snorkelling. Well, the whole point of the snorkelling was to feed the fish, and I guess I knew this but dammit, I am just NOT comfortable being surrounded by hundreds of fish, the size of your fore-arm, in a feeding-frenzy!
Our guide, Adrian, assured me that these fish were herbivorous, but I wasn't too sure...they kept circling me...slowly...watching me...waiting for the slightest sign of fear.
The other guide Hugh, a sadistic bastard, kept tossing bread over by me so that the fish would suddenly swoop around me in a blizzard of bubbles, fins and breadcrumbs! Just lemme catch him alone pun a night without that damn loaf-a bread!

The best part was the ride back in, when I got to drive! There are some things that just need to be said, and this is one of em':
Bryan drove like punk-ass beeyatch compared to me! I was all up in that Rhino Ryder mo'fo'!
Zig-zaggin' and doin' aqua-doughnuts and ting! Never mind I collided with some big-ass metal bouy that one time, I still rocked the boat...literally! :)
