Monday, August 09, 2004

Crop Over has come and gone...and despite the hullabaloo with the music, I found that this may just have been one of my best jump-ups yet! This season has definately affected me in a way that seasons past have not: I find that now, everytime I'm leaving the house, I get the urge to sprinkle myself with glitter...y' feel "finished".


It's rainy outside...reflective of my present pensive mood. I have reason to believe that any attention I had received from the beautiful young man, was only his attempt to gain contact with me, on behalf of his friend ! Bummer.
Yeah yeah, I know I said the saga was over before, but this time, I mean it! He's leaving and pretty soon my thoughts will become my own again, and I can get
over this minor obsession.


I feel I need to walk a dog at the beach more often! People are so friendly when you have a dog! Talk about a babe-magnet!
Big up to bad dog like Gin and a bad woman like Lani who let me borrow him!

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