Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Well! Last night's practice was probably the best one since we started rehearsin' for this dang competition.
I dunno why, but my partner was actually pleasant and cooperative! Wonders never cease!

I thought we were gonna be alone for our session together, but we were joined by the Push-up King and his partner. (Awright! Eye-candy!)
The highlight of my week so far, came when he changed his shirt right there in the room. I couldn't help but exclaim "Ooh! Ooh! Half-naked man over there!"
Everybody looked at me funny, but I didn't care. I already got an eyeful of meaty pecs and abs.


I assume that it's common knowledge that when two people are "dealing" or "talking" or whatever, they need to keep in fairly regular contact with each other, at least a phone call a week, so as to keep the coals of attraction from coolin' off.

So I think it's fair for Person A to be somewhat annoyed if, after not hearing from Person B for about 2 weeks, Person B calls Person A's cellphone and says:

"Hey Deidre?" (Wrong name ass.) "Yeah, I got your messages y'know...but I was just out on my little retreat...y'know, takin' some time out for myself. You know wha I 'bout."

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