Saturday, January 01, 2005

And here we are! The first day of 2005! It didn't start out much like my fantasy, but hey, at least none of my loved ones were swept away by a tsunami either
No matter what, I can't complain, because compared to what's goin' on in Asia, my Old Year's was fabulous. Remember the Indonesian posse and the Thai crew, in your prayers.

The Midnight New Year's kiss has eluded me yet again, but my new reasoning is that midnight comes around every 24hrs, so I'll have at least 30 more opportunities this month to make up for it.

There're certain party poopers out there who don't even bother to make resolutions, claiming they never stick to 'em, so there's no point. Me, I love making new year's resolutions, and really putting in the effort to keep to them all year long, in my quest for personal growth.

My resolutions:

1.) Embrace change. Yeah, I'll admit, I'm one-a those peops who likes stability and constance. But things change, such is life, so it's best to have a good attitude about it.

2.) No more centipedes. Take this any way you want.

3.) No more Batman. And I won't stand for any bets being made on how long I'll last with this one.

4.) Make that first head-nod greeting when I cross paths with one-a those people whom I kind of know, but for no reason in particular, don't speak to. When I think about it, it makes more sense to at least acknowledge each other presence than to sail past like ships in the dark.

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