Wednesday, February 09, 2005

How do the powers that be, expect people to do the right thing, and try to maintain a healthy lifestyle when even at the lowest level, everything seems against you?? For example, a golden delicious apple costs $1.20 and a 16 pc. sandwich cookie package costs $0.79.
This is absurd.


Today, being Ash Wednesday and all, marks the start of the Lenten season. Shame on me, I had no idea. A kindly old lady, in search of Easter cards, had to point this out to me.
I'd like to give up something...I really would, but I can't make up my mind on exactly what.

Sugar's a good choice, but I dunno if I can manage that, since I've discovered Lillifield Mudslides. Oh man, this drink makes me wanna talk dirty.
So...salad dressing it is.

I've noticed that Buckleys gives me a slight buzz. I'm feelin' quite groovy right about now.

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