Monday, June 07, 2004

Dear Diary,

Last night I found myself in a kind of awkward scenario.

I was liming with a bunch-a peops, including Mr. Push-up King (let's call him P.K. for short, shall we) from previous blogs. His girlfriend was also present as usual and somehow the topic of conversation got around to my personality. And P.K.'s contribution was to start comparing me to his girlfriend, while she was sitting right there!
Listening to him, one would get the impression that I'm the Queen of Light, while she's the Princess of Darkness!
As flattering as that was for me, it still wasn't a cool thing for him to do.

I, of course laughed it off, as did everyone else, but she just kinda glared at him in that "no-nookie-for-you-tonight-buddy" kind of way.

Now this heffer is the jealous sort, and I ALREADY think she finds me annoying as it is, so NOW I get the feeling that I may have to keep my eyes open around her.

Lovely. Just lovely. Now I'm torn between 2 possible courses of action:

1.)Try to avoid talkin' to P.K. more than necessary out of respect for her boundaries, or
2.) Say to hell with her irrational jealousy and ask him to dance next time I see him (my Part B tends to prefer this option).

Oh, what the hell. This is their problem, not mine.

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