Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Right now I feel kinda energetic. Maybe it's the cup of coffee I had about an hour ago...or that I actually got enough sleep last night...or that it's rainy and cool on the outside. Y'know how this weather makes people frisky.
Anyhow, it's a great feeling...quite the opposite from how I felt yesterday, which was hazy and distracted.


And now, may I present the lyrical stylings of Naolat Kukamunga!

X-Girl by N. Kukamunga

X-girl, X-girl
How I hate your guts.
You sound just like a super-hero
Yes, Champion of the sluts

Faster than a speeding ho
You alway beat me to him.
You wrangle him, entangle him,
Then shift, and leave just ruins.

How did you do that thing you did
That left him so bewitched?
And now, no matter how I try,
Can't seem to scratch his itch.

This doting fool you've left behind,
Can't seem to forget your face,
Even though you've done him wrong.
Such a pity. Such a waste.

He won't trust me because of you,
Ya dirty, triflin' skank
You're the ghost in his head, and the pain in my ass
And since I'm being frank,

I hate that you always get him first
You've read his body like a map
and when I feel I doin' suh'in new
You've always "Been there! Done that!".

Natasha, Jill, Elizabeth...
You have so many names,
But whatever form or shape you take,
It's always the same game.

I see right through your angel act
Doesn't matter what you're called,
To me, you're forever the "X-girl:
Most Hated Bitch Of All"

The End.

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