Friday, December 24, 2004

It's Christmas Eve...and I gotta say I'm not that happy about it. Except that it'll all be over soon. I'm usually not such a scrooge, but this year I really feel like my Christmas has been stolen from me. It almost means nothing to me right now, and THAT is tragic.

I was working all day today, finally reached back home around 7pm. I'm coming down with a cold now too. Ain't that some shit. And THEN at 9pm, my crazy parents decided they wanted to do a complete house-cleaning. And of course start ranting and raving at whoever is less than thrilled to join in. Namely me.
I wanted to send Xmas cards to the neighbors , and make sorrel, and ponche de creme, and cookies and all that, but all I did was work.
I want my Christmas back. I wanna spread some joy and goodwill to my fellow man.

And, as usual, I'm having my end-of-year personal freak-out session, where I panic at how fast the year has gone by, and in turn how fast my life is going by, and what scary changes the coming year will bring.
These episodes don't last long, but they're intense while they're going on.

I hope this Theraflu kicks in soon.


On a brighter (and wierder) note, I inadvertently flirted with a female security guard the other day, and she hooked me up by speeding me through a long-ass line in the grocery store the other day. Hope she doesn't think I'm batting for the other team too.

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